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A few months ago i had a drink and i woke up feeling sick during the night and i was sick. I kept feeling sick on and off for a few weeks. I then started having upper right back ache and burping after eating. The back ache is in the same place most days and the last week i have a feeling like i can't breath properly. I had all my bloods done 2 weeks ago and they were fine.

I didn't have much to eat this morning and i didn't feel too bad. I had some tea and then my stomach was aching and my back was awful again. Also some nights in bed i have been sweating and feeling like my whole upper chest was hot inside.

I had an endoscopy a few years ago and i had mild gastritis so i took omerazapole for 12 months. 

Just wondering if this sounds like a stomach issue

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Dianne

    Possibly some sort of reflux problem, what was it that you drank.Being sick of course would strain your back as it would your stomach.Sweating, could you be menapausal? Is this still ongoing?

  • Posted

    I had vodka and fresh orange.The sweating hasn't been as bad but it feels like my upper body is sometimes burning inside.

    I was tested for hormones last year and everything was ok, i am 45 by the way.

    • Posted

      Ouch! My first thought's turn to ACID reflux.Perhap's try a different mixer, especially if you drink alcohol often, cranberry juice is an antioxident therefore will be more gentle on the stomach.I also have to say that drinking alcohol creates sweating, it's the bodies way of ridding itself of toxins.
    • Posted

      Hi Dianne,

      Forgive me! I was'nt insinuating that you are a regular drinker as in your first instance you mentioned that you felt sick for a couple of week's.It may be worth contacting your doctor again as it maybe possible that you have an ulcer.These are quite difficult to detect even via an endoscopy, however the fact that you had one a couple of year's ago may be worth pressing to have another being that you are still have reoccurents.

  • Posted

    Dear dianne,

    I think susan08752 is probably right. ACID reflux is the most likely cause of the problem.

    Pain in your back is often called "referred pain. Our bodies play little tricks with our nervous systems giving us pain somewhere else instead of where the real problem is, in this case your oesophagitis.

    If this has been going on for some time you might want to get checked out for a stomach ulcer. I had a stomach ulcer with these symptoms when I was 23, my triggers were lager and oily food.


  • Posted

    Thanks for the replies.

    Going to my doctors at 3pm today so i will see what he says.

  • Posted

    Thanks. I was sick in mouth before too when i bent over (tmi ha), it's like a stabbing pain in my back today.
    • Posted

      Yuck! Think i'll leave my banana til later on.lols. Are you still taking any meds?
  • Posted

    No i stopped taking omerazapole 18 months ago. I have tried ranitidine the last few days but obviously they aren't doing anything. Ha sorry for spoiling your banana!
  • Posted

    Dr says acid reflux and gave me lansoprazole. You wouldn't think just too much acid could cause all these symptoms would you?
    • Posted

      Well i hope they work for you Dianne.I was put on them about a yr ago, why i don't know as i did'nt have nausea or sickness like yrself.I have had a tight band just under ribcage, colon area for 3 yr's it started after i had spinal surgery for a disc herneation.At the time i was relieved to be able to walk without siatica,however looking bk the wound got infected with staplococcus as the had'nt removed the stitches properly so i was laid up for 3 mths, antibiotics for a mth.Then i thought it was part and parcel of the op so i just carried on with thing's.So here i am 3 yrs on another disc hereation and what they say is a blockage which i am taking laxido for.However when bowel movement takes place and when i'm on my feet which is not long the tightness get's more excruciating.Not even morphine hit's the spot i don't drink or smoke eat little, not much quality of life.Seeing my surgeon regarding my bk end of Jan, asked him b4 if they are related he said would'nt of thought so,i'm not so sure.Oh and waiting for an gastroscopy coz they were trying to palm me off saying you have a lazy bowel.Ok maybe i do but surely it should'nt hurt more when i visit the bathroom.Anyone got any idea's would greatly welcome them!!!

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