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Does having a esophagogastroduodenoscopy hurt?.And did u have it done in office or hospital?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Don't worry at all. Any good gastroenterologist will do a good job and you will feel nothing if Fentanyl, Propophal, or Versed is used. Twilight sleep. You'll wake up and say, "Did the endoscopy happen?" I've had 5 of them for hiatal hernia and gerd and no problem at all. No pain, no side effects other than being groggy from the twilight sleep. Fear not!
    • Posted

      Thanks Lorraine. .i suppose 2 have it done in morning. .am having mine done in office i will be awake. .. Lorraine do u know what all they will be able 2 see when they do it
  • Posted

    Cece, forgot to add that they are most likely looking for a hiatal hernia, reflux, erosions in your esophagus, Barret's disease, cancer, and things that are causing your symptoms. Hope that helps. They will take little biopsys of the tissues that look suspicious and you will know what's what in a week or so. If you have a hiatal hernia, your gastroenterologist will tell you that day after the procedure. You can get a copy of your films that they take with the scope. Good luck, and remember, ask for the anaesthesia!
  • Posted


    I also have had 5 done because I have grd and hytius hernia I never took sedation when I lay down on my side it was about 2 mins and it was over as Lorraine says they are looking for any disease hernia or anything that is causing your symptoms honestly don't worry it's over before you know it with no ill affect let us know how you get on but you will ever fine

    • Posted

      Hi Kevin

      I am having a scope in a few weeks but on the fence about sedation or not?

      I am having it done at our local hospital and the GI says he doesn't care either way.

      I was told it lasted 8-11 mins depending on how many biopsies are needed.

      Have you had it done via sedation as well?

      I have a chronic cough and worry if they do with no sedation I will cough more making me gag and harder for the GI to do his job ?

      What do you think I am a little nervous of the procedure sad


    • Posted

      Hi Robin

      Every body is always nervouse the first time but they will spray your throat with a local  anaesthetic if you are nervouse get the anesthetic as you wont feel any thnig but you will need someone to pick you up incase you are still sedated if driving etc its honestly a pain free procedure but every body is different it will last the very most 10 mins not even that

    • Posted

      Thanks Kevin for your support in the scope. I have had a chronic cough for the last year. This is what I am most worried if I don't get sedation, I will want to cough even if my throat is numb.

      I am leaning towards the sedation and will probably laugh about all the fuss I put myself through. I am aware you need someone to bring you home . I live with lots of support and have someone coming with me as well.

      You have mentioned you have had a few , why do they keep doing them ?

      Isn't things visible first time they go in?


    • Posted

      Yes I just get ine every couple of years as I have very bad acid reflux and hytus hernia I work n the medical field so just to give me peace of mind

      Yes sedation will be better for you before you know it you will be resting in the bed then after you eat something around an hour later yiuvwill be let home you will sometime getbthecredukts there and then but it's easy to get done and you enter age any ill affects

    • Posted

      This predicta texts that should have read you will probably get your results there and then and any biopsies will go awayvtobthevlab and yiuvwill getbthecredukts in around 10 days

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