stomach ache

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hey everyone please i need your help here again i am having this stomach ache every time i wakes up or each time i finished eaten but i went for Endoscopy test which confirmed i have h.pylori positive and i was given HELIPAK Treatment Package : Clarithromycin 500 mg film tablet, Lansoprazole 30 mg Micropellet Capsule and Amoxicillin 1000 mg Tablet and also Gaviscon advance 200 which the doctor asked me to used for 2weeks i have completed the medics it reduced so the doctor asked me to take Rabelis 20mg for 8weeks again its already 1week am still having this pain is there anything else i can take to reduce the pain please or anything i can take to reduce the pain will be waiting to hear from anyone with best thing to do thank everyone 

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13 Replies

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    Have you changed your diet? With gastritis you have to definately watch what you eat.
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    yes i do i stopped eaten spicy food also am trying not to eat fatty also and also hiting the gym
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      no they didnt what are the probiotic i can take ?
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    Maybe the h pylori didn't go or came back or you are sensitive to the antibiotics.

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    what do you think i can do am thinking of going for herb
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      Some people try probiotic foods such as yoghurts, kefir and sourdough bread.  Some people find mastic gum helps.
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    how about Ginger?
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      Some people take ginger for stomach disorders.  However, it gives me terrible heartburn so I have to avoid it.  The best thing to do is to try it to see if it works for you.  I have to avoid anything spicy or fatty.

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