Stomach Bug or Diverticulitis?

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So, I have diverticulosis.  It was discovered during a colonoscopy, earlier this year.  Since then, I’ve pretty much lived in fear of diverticulitis.  

Yesterday, I felt fatigued all day.  In fact, after class, I spent most of the day napping.  That morning, I felt some urgency to have a BM, but ended up passing mostly solid stools after which the sensation went away (I also have IBS, so I assumed that to be the culprit).  And, later in the day, I started feeling nauseous.  

This morning, I’m still nauseous and have had to run to the bathroom several times with watery diarrhea.  I’m having some cramping and discomfort (mostly in my stomach, though a little in my abdomen), but not really having any pain.  I’m also not running a fever.  

The wife claims to have had similar symptoms, recently.  Which leads me to believe it might be a bug?  But, I wouldn’t know how to tell gastroenteritis from diverticulitis, so I’m not sure. 


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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Why did you go for colonoscopy? What were your symptoms before that?
    • Posted

      Colonoscopy was in May.  It was for rectal bleeding.  Confirmed to be caused by hemorrhoids.  It stopped ages ago. 

      Aside from that, I have loose BMs or BMs that are too hard as well as abdominal discomfort on a fairly regular basis and have for years.  It’s mostly manageable with diet.  Assumed to be IBS. 

      It’s pretty rare for me to have watery diarrhea.  

  • Posted

    I was also diagnosed with diverticulitis last year after having a CT scan for suspected colorectal cancer. Blood tests showed I had anaemia hence the scan. Results showed no cancer fortunately but the consultant told me I had diverticulitis. Apparently it is quite common as you get older. I did some research and discovered it's a good idea to restrict some foods including peas, nuts and those foods with seeds like tomatoes etc. I wasn't given any advice from the consultant or the doctor but haven't as many digestive problems since cutting these foods out. It sounds as if you and your wife may have caught a bug and the diverticulitis has made your symptoms worse. However if it doesn't subside maybe you should visit your doctor.

    • Posted

      Hi Shadylady!

      You mentioned tomatoe seeds .

      Would you know if removing the seeds makes the tomatoes less likely to trigger any stomach issues?

      I have here and I m failing to eat without tomatoes. It goes in practically all my food.

      So hard

    • Posted

      As I understand it, the conventional wisdom is to avoid corn, popcorn, nuts, and seeds.  Anything that might survive digestion and make itself present in the stool.  It is believed that these may become lodged in the diveritcula and set up an infection, causing diverticulitis.  So, in theory, removing the seeds would prevent this. 

      But this is considered outdated advice.  Most doctors seem to think it began based upon conjecture.  Research into diverticulitis suggests that you are neither more nor less likely to develop diverticulitis if you avoid seeds, nuts, etc.  The only thing that may help to prevent it is avoiding constipation by drinking a lot of water and eating a high-fiber diet.  So, the consensus among gastroenterologists, theses days, is that diverticulosis dictates no dietary restrictions. 

      Of course, some people claim that cutting out nuts and seeds helped them.  Others don't notice any difference.  If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can always remove nuts and seeds as a precaution. 

    • Posted

      To be honest I don't really know! I wasn't given any advice from the doctor but saw a report online and that was one of the recommendations. I would carry on eating tomatoes! I cut out nuts etc but I've always had an adverse reaction to them.

  • Posted

    Sounds like IBS to me, stress can bring it on. with  Diverticlitis you have pain lower left side some people has it on the right, fever, abdominal tenderness, constipation less commonly diarrhea.
    • Posted

      I don't think it's IBS.  It's not consistent with my usual IBS symptoms.  I don't have any pain or the other usual symptoms of diverticulitis, so it's probably not that, either. 

      My best guess is viral or bacterial gastroenteritis.  Hopefully it resolves, soon.

  • Posted

    If it was a bug, you would be more likely to have a fever.  It sounds more like an IBS flare up.  Anxiety about developing divericulitis may have triggered IBS.
    • Posted

      Depends on what's causing it.  The wife had similar symptoms for a few days, has no history of GI issues, and had no fever. 

      And, as I mentioned in another reply, this isn't at all consistent with my typical IBS symptoms or flare ups.  I've had IBS for years and I've never had watery diarrhea multiple times a day for several days as a result of it.

    • Posted

      I have diarrhea once or twice a that one of the ibs symptoms? Does it get better with time or as an ibs sufferer ,one always has loose stools? Some days I don't even have a bm at all. Yet my stomach makes all the sounds like it's digesting something.

    • Posted

      IBS can change; it is not consistent. This is common with IBS.  I had watery diarrhoea for three days last year.  The only thing that stopped it was Imodium.  I usually have IBS C, but after a lot of stress, my symptoms changed to IBS D.  IBS D is unsual for me.  Maybe your wife had a bug but you had an IBS flare up.  See if Imodium clears it up.

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