Stomach Cramp for nearly 24 hours + Crunched Over

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Hi everyone 

Not sure if anybody experiences this? Seems to happen to me at least once a year or twice. 

Unexpectedly you’ll be getting stomach cramps. Right in the centre + lower centre where you can stand up straight. If you do, it feels like your stomachs about to rip. 

Lasts for around 24 hours and won’t pass until I rest and go to sleep over night. 

Next day, stomach feels sort of bruised. This recent episode I had was the longest and the harshest it’s been. I suspect it was a form of trapped gas but no matter what I did, my stomach was not relaxing. 

Happen to me mid-flight (work as a flight attendant) and my goodness, was so difficult to work through it. Had to sit down and crunch over every now and then. 

When standing up I would be slightly tilted forwards to ease the pain. 

Any one has this? 

Thanks! Any advice is welcome. My doctors never take my stomach issues seriously and it’s very frustrating. 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you had any diarrhoea or constipation with the pain and does the pain move about?  Have you noticed if anything triggers the pain such as food or stress?   Does a bowel movement temporarily ease the pain? Have you had any tests? What has your doctor suggested?
    • Posted

      Hi Pippa,

      Bowel movements are pretty normal, sometimes a little on the loose side but that’s pretty normal for me. 

      I haven’t noticed any triggers yet, it’s mostly just constant now. A bowel movement does ease the pain for a little while but not for long.

      Tests are all in my original post. Doctor isn’t sure yet hence why I’m having a colonoscopy soon. 

      Just trying to get an idea of what it could be based on other people’s experiences smile 

    • Posted

      Hi Pippa 

      Pain doesn’t really move around it’s always in central tummy. Bowel movements does temporarily relieve the pain until it builds back up again. 

      My doctors have not said anything unfortunately. They were not helpful at all when I recently went in for stomach aches I’ve been getting so I haven’t spoken to them regarding this yet. This has happened very recently 

    • Posted

      Have your bowel habits changed at all? Diarrhoea/constipation or change in colour?   I would try a foiod diary to see if it might be food and monitior your stress levels to establish if stress triggers the pain.  I would go back to your doctor and ask for tests.  I went eight times to my doctor over a period of three and a half months.  I saw different doctors before being diagnosed with IBS.  My pain moved about and I had change of bowel habit along with nausea and back pain.  Bowel movements eased my pain.

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