Stomach cramps and night fevers

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Recently ive been going threw a lot in life, my fiance is pregnant & we moved home.

Ive had a lot of stomach cramps over the pastfew months and troubles with my water works EG: not been able to urinate at a strong stream and trickleing if you understand?

So today 3/9/14 i went to hospital and had a testascope down my penile and in my buttox and they filled up my bladder with water to see if they was any blockage or stoppages. Causing this ..

However when the examination was up the doctor & nurse told me i was perfectly fine and that infact it was anxiety disorder that was causing my muscles to spasm and not function my waters properly. This seems very bizare but i have to stick with what profetionals say of course?

I was just woundering if anyone else has had this same problem & what was said and done about it?

Im now on antidepressants for 3 months to see if theres any change. So fingers crossed for me now. 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there, anti depressants! Wow, thats some serious anxiety. Are u happy about the baby? How about the fact that you moved back home? What u need is to find out how u feel and go from there. A regular doc assuming the role of a shrink , thats not a good thing. You need to talk to your fiance about your feelings if that the case.
    • Posted

      There anxiety tablets 10mg tbf, but similar to antidepressants. & we just moved in together we are perfectly happy and im over the mood about the baby, i just mentioned that to say why the hell would i be anxious when its like ive won the lottery lol.

      Ps: sorry about my literate, writin is a weak point. 

    • Posted

      Moving home, moving in with your girlfriend, a baby on the way, financial worries, worries about being a good parent, can you make your relationship work, what if..... re the future, all adds up to extreme pressure, you need to talk things over with a good listener, someone who will NOT give advice, but just listen

      antidepressants will not work, you must work through your insecurities with a clear head

      can you afford to see a counsellor, if not try the Samaritans they are trained to listen, a problem shared is a problem halved

      better still can you discuss your inner most thoughts with your girlfriend she may be more supportive than you give her credit for, a loving partner can be ten times more effective than antidepressants

      is she aware of your problems and inner nightmares

      let me know what you decide

      God bless


  • Posted

    Its the weak urination stream - stomach pains, headaches & nausea im actually worrying about. 

    Im not entirely positive on the doctors feedback that it is anxiety, thats why im wondering if anyone has had the same issues?    

    • Posted

      Hi Scott, I had assumed that your GP would have at first ruled out any urinary tract or prostate problems, have you had a prostate check ?  you are also describing symptoms of food intolerance and overgrowth of yeast causing candidiosa albicans, if so cut out all starches and sugars for a while, do you live in a hard water area, if so you may have an intolerance to flouride there are so many things that can be causing your problems, need to check out all, one at a time 
  • Posted

    Hi Scott,

    Any symptoms to do with waterworks and pain can be associated with urinary tract infections, kidney problems and bladder problems. Your first port of call is to have a urine analysis,you have not mentioned that you have had one. Take a sample to your GP just as a process of elimination. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Hi lilian & thankyou for the reply 

      Ive had many tests regarding my urine problems, camera and preasure tests. And my kidneys have always not been good, but there putting it down to anxiety :-/ 

      Decide from there i say.. 

  • Posted

    Lol, i am glad to here that you feel that you are okay., and congrats on you new family. Are the pilla helonig you since you have been taking them?

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