Stomach discomfort and burping EVERYTIME I WAKE UP.

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Hi, everytime i wake up in the morning, i am always bloated, gassy and burping. It gradually decreases when i drink a glass of water after i woke up. I had been to see the gatroentrologist once for bloating cases and had my endoscopy done 1 and a half years back where i got prescribed 1 month of LANSOPRAZOLE FAST DISINTEGRATING TABLET 30MG and ITOPRIDE HYDOCHLORIDE 50MG after it was found that i have mild stomach ulcers and mild gastroenteritis. 1 month of those meds and my doc said i m free to go. The problem seemed to go away after taking the meds that i got prescribed with but not sure when it came back after stop taking them for a certain amount of time. Is it ulcers again? Or something elsr?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Were you diagnosed with gastritis or gastroenteritis? Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining which can go away or come back.  Gastroenteritis is an infection which causes vomiting and diarrhoea and it will go away completely.
    • Posted

      I think it's gastritis. I remember doc told me about some inflammation. Sorry about that as i m really confused with these medical terms.

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      Avoid fatty, rich and spicy foods and eat blandly.  Do a food diary to check for food triggers and take your stomach meds to protect your stomach lining.  Try drinking milk to help your ulcers.  My grandad had ulcers and he healed them by drinking milk.   Were you tested for h pylori? This infection can cause gastritis and ulcers.
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      I was tested negative for ulcers. Is drinking honey everytime in the morning ok?
    • Posted

      *I was tested negative for h pylori*. Is it ok to drink honey everytime in the morning to heal my stomach?
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      I think it was anxiety and stress which caused me to get ulcers and gastritis.
    • Posted

      I haven't tried honey for my stomach problems but it is natural so there is no harm in trying it.

  • Posted

    If you think it's anxiety that's causing your issues, try asking the doc for some anxiety meds and see if that helps you.  Anxiety can reek havoc on your stomach if you don't have it under control, I know from experience. Also try probiotics every day to get your stomach flora back to normal.

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