stomach disorder

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hello everyone i have been having this stomach disorder for the past 3months now i went to the hospital for test i was told nothing is wrong later the doctor told me to buy pulcet 40 and debridat forte and to use for 3months its 3months now no changes though he sugested i should go for endoscopy which is expensive for me and also am scared of going through that what else can i take am not just enjoying my self anyone with good sugestion please....

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    Need a description of your symptoms.


    • Posted

      thanks @ chucky777 if i wakes up in the morning it starts or whenever i finished eaten atimes i just get scared of eaten and most time i won't just feel like eaten anything..

    • Posted

      How would you describe your stomach symptoms?  Is it a dull ache, stabbing pain, a burning pain?  Do you have nausea/vomiting? Does the pain start before or after eating?  Is the pain relieved after eating? Does certain foods trigger pain?  Need a bit more details about your situation so we can give you possible causes and recommendations. 
    • Posted

      atimes like burning pain may be in the afternoon but if i wakes up in the morning its stomach ache so irritating i won't enjoy my self and also if i finished eaten after taking water like 2 to 5mins after its starts again. Atimes i will be hungry i won't even know what to eat or scared of eaten....

    • Posted

      Burning pain and pain in the morning.  This could indicate either gastritis or an ulcer.  An endoscopy would confirm this.  

      My recommendation would be to stick with the pulcet 40 and a diet consisting of foods that are gentle on the stomach.  No acidic foods, spicy foods, heavily processed foods, carbinated drinks, tomato based foods,  fried foods, excess sugar, etc. Eat small frequent meals.  Drink plenty of water.  Supplements I would recommend are Zinc L-Carnosine, DGL Licorice and Slippery Elm.  You could try those supplements for a few weeks and see how things go.  If things don't improve, you could try and get tested for h-pylori or do the upper endoscopy. 

  • Posted

    What are your symptoms?  Do you have nausea, stomach pain, heartburn, change of bowel habit such as diarrhoea or constipation?  Have you noticed if any particular food upsets your stomach and do you get any bloating?
    • Posted

      stomach ache atimes i will feel like vomiting but i have never vomited before though 
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      Try diet change and take milk which is good for heartburn and nausea. 
  • Posted

    Just wanted to throw this out there.  If it is an ulcer, a remember seeing a tea remedy on YouTube a while back which helped several people heal their ulcer.  

    Simply take a about 8oz of water, boil it, add 1 tbsp of raw organic honey and 1/4 tsp of ground cinnamon and stir.  Let it cool down to room temperature and then drink.  Stir the tea before drinking or all the cinnamon will sit at the bottom.  Do this twice a day, once early and once late.  No promises, but it's a cheap, quick and easy remedy that might help you. 

    • Posted

      thanks so much Chucks someone recommended i should stop  the pulcet and take (Kudret Marli Macun) you can please check also and see if it might help am not just happy with my health condition....
    • Posted

      hi Chucky777 how are you i want to let you know i later went for the Endoscopy yesterday and the doctor confirmed i have GERD which he placed me on MEdication TRIO Tredavi Paketi and also Gaviscon for the relief of heartburn and acid indigestion due to gastric reflux which i already started yesterday i just hope this works for me just that i don't know what food and drink i should avoid another thing i need to ask i use to go to gym do you think that my cause a problem also do i need to stop? thank i hope to hear from you....

    • Posted

      Avoid fatty and spicy foods and try milk. I have acid reflux and Gaviscon helps me. I do a lot of walking and I swim when on holiday.  It doesn't affect my acid reflux. 

    • Posted

      can i still go to gym because of my pot belly i guess i ate too much fatty food lately
    • Posted

      You could try light exercise at the gym.  I don't have a flat stomach either.

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