Stomach inflammation & erosions

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Hi guys, not done anything like this before but here it goes!

I've been having stomach issues for around 5 years and a few days back I went for an endoscopy. It showed that my stomach had inflammation and there was also erosions, had a couple of biopsys taken and told to make an appointment in January for the results. So I'm not overly worried as if they thought it was anything serious it would be marked as urgent.

But was having a look on the Internet (as you do) and it said for issues like that it could be pernicious anemia and they recommend b12 injections, but I'm already on them and have been for nearly 2 years..

Wondering if anyone else has had the same issue and did it go away or is there other treatment that was recommended?


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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I also have stomach issues like relfux since 4-5 months.

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    I had inflammation and was told take esomeprazole regularly. The biopsies taken were testing for h pylori so if that is what you have you will probably be given antibiotics.

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    I'm on those now for a month, the doctor told me that the test was done for that and its negative

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      were you on ppis when you had the endoscopy? because they usually tell you to stop them if they are testing for h pylori

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      do you smoke or drink alcohol? because they can both affect your stomach lining. I used to starve myself a lot when I was younger which I think has affected my stomach a lot. Things you could have done years ago can contribute to why your stomach may be having problems now. Also if you take anti inflammatory pain medication like aspirin or ibuprofen that can contribute to stomach problems.

    • Posted

      Never smoked, and rarely drink, didn't do to much of it when I was younger either (I'm 28) never had any eating issues and rarely take any pain killers.

      Guess I'm just a bit odd!

    • Posted

      Try and eat a low acid diet, even if you don't know the cause of your stomach inflammation there are certain foods and drinks that can aggravate your symptoms. For example caffeine, spicy food, citrus fruits, sugar, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, processed foods and high protein foods or supplements. I have heard chewing gum can help neutralize acid and when you eat chew a lot so you can digest your food easier.

  • Posted

    I wouldn't look up your symptoms on google which does not give reliable answers. You will only cause yourself anxiety. Instead, wait for your follow up appointment in January where you will be given your results and treatment. This can only be done by your doctor who is the real expert. We are not experts on this site and neither is google.

  • Posted

    yes yes I have stomach inflammation to and if I eat a lot of chocolate my stomach Burns but I take prevacid 30 mg twice a day and sometimes at night I take zantac the one that is safe and also the doctorl gave me a pill that coats your stomach to help take away the inflamation and to keep from getting more inflamation from spicy foods and things that you eat that get your stomach sore

  • Posted

    yes yes I have stomach inflammation to and if I eat a lot of chocolate my stomach Burns but I take prevacid 30 mg twice a day and sometimes at night I take zantac the one that is safe and also the doctorl gave me a pill that coats your stomach to help take away the inflamation and to keep from getting more inflamation from spicy foods and things that you eat that get your stomach sore

    • Posted

      I'm on a ppi at the moment, and most of the time I'm not actually in pain, just always feel bloated and get a little discomfort when I eat any food, but mine normally flares up with gluten and causes alot of pain, especially on my sides that radiates around to my back. So decided to cut that out my diet.

      Just playing the waiting game now for results from my blood test, endoscopy and ultrasound, but won't get those until January!

      Im a very impatient person, so the wait is doing me in!

      Have you actually been diagnosed with anything, or are you just being treated for symptoms?

  • Posted

    yes yes I have stomach inflammation to and if I eat a lot of chocolate my stomach Burns but I take prevacid 30 mg twice a day and sometimes at night I take zantac the one that is safe and also the doctorl gave me a pill that coats your stomach to help take away the inflamation and to keep from getting more inflamation from spicy foods and things that you eat that get your stomach sore

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