Stomach issues.
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Hello ladies I'm just wondering if any of you guys are going through stomach issues I get stabbing Sensations nausea every day a burning sensation on and off that goes all the way to my back pain that goes up to my rib cage and dizziness I've been like this for a month now I went to my primary doctor and or she gave me was famotidine 40mg for gastritis it helps a little for the burning sensation but I still feel so sick all I want to do is be curled up in bed can any of you ladies let me know if this has happened to you and can this be part of menopause I've gotten a lot of other symptoms that have pasted I was feeling better but all of a sudden bam I'm feeling like this now any info will help thank you ladies and God bless!!
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pamela2016 marisol06794
I've been having the nausea everyday comes and goes for a few weeks started before my cycle and hasn't let up I also have the aches and pains that I prayed would not return. I also have the dizziness your not alone it's all horrible makes me feel so ill.
jennifer85442 marisol06794
sharcerv52408 jennifer85442
Yes I had the same thing and of course the mind begins to fear the worst. I have been going through this for two weeks now. Sometimes I can't eat. But when I don't eat I get terrible gas and stomach pain and then I feel anxious like I have to eat that moment or I'll pass out. All of this is crazy!
sharcerv52408 marisol06794
I have been having stomach issues off and on since I started peri. It is indeed awful. I get bloated, gassy, heartburn /gastritis, pain in my chest that goes to the back. I take omeprazole occasionally for it and it calms down some but when it comes back it does so with a vengeance. Currently I am on antibiotic for a uti and that only kicked up my stomach issues even more because the antibiotics throw all of your normal flora off. This peri stuff is not nice. But it is good to know that we are not alone in this.
debra16694 marisol06794
Hi Marisol - Believe it or not but I am 6 years post & last April I ended up in ER with unbelievable burning back & chest - The month prior I had burning calves & top of my feet. For the last 4 months my stomach has been an amusement park with unbelievable bloating, gas & you name it. Nobody seems to know anything & when I say it must be menopause related they either laugh at me or say something like “Your too old to be experiencing menopause symptoms” & even the hormone specialist told me she never heard of a burning sensation to be peri/menopause related. I invited her to read the symptoms on this forum. Hah!
I just started on a probiotic recommended by the Naturopath since he told me your gut regulates the serotonin in your body & will help ease anxiety. I have only taken it a couple of days and have noticed that the bloat/gas has eased up - The burning sensation tends to get worse for me with anxiety, so I am hoping this will calm everything down - so done with these symptoms! Good luck!
CarolKelso debra16694
debra16694 CarolKelso
Hi CarolKelso - He recommended HLC intensive probiotic - you can get it online - he also told me to start eating fermented foods & goats milk kefir - lucky for me I love sauerkraut and have been trying to eat more of it - there is actually a lot of new research that suggests that our gut controls a lot of things since it has its own nervous system...even things like hormone imbalances 😱 fascinating! May be we can start to feel better once we start treating our gut better - Be well!
CarolKelso debra16694
Hi Debra... Going to give it a go... My guts are all over the place and can make me anxious... Let's see how it goes.. Thanks so much. CK
CarolKelso marisol06794
nancy0925 marisol06794
sn21848 nancy0925
sn21848 marisol06794
tmpearce marisol06794
Hi Marisol,
Stomach issues is my main menopausal symptom right now! I am 57 and had hysterectomy with ovaries left in 2-1/2 years ago. Was having periods sporadically up until then. For about a year prior to that I would suffer from bouts of gastritis. Would be ok for a month or two and then have a flare up. Well, about 8 months after my hysterectomy things got significantly worse and I attribute that to the fact that my ovaries were beginning to really lose function by then. Two years ago an endoscopy showed chronic gastritis. Two months ago a repeat endoscopy shows I now have areas of stomach erosion which I am working very hard on healing. My main symptoms are burning stomach, and at times my chest, tongue and lips burn. I’m now considering the fact that some of this may be related to food allergies. I also believe that the reason my stomach got worse is that I was treated for high stomach acid after the first endoscopy when, in fact, I believe that I may have decreased stomach acid. I started seeing a new gastroenterologist this year and when we did the endoscopy two months ago he also did a BRAVO test to check for acid reflux. The bravo test was negative so I am now weaning off my PPIs and following a very strict diet. I’m waiting for appointment for food allergy testing.
My take on the gastric issues many women have during peri and menopause is that we have estrogen receptors in our GI tract. As our estrogen levels decrease we can get thinning of the stomach lining which makes it more susceptible to damage from poor diets, medications, alcohol etc. I am unable to take HRT due to high blood pressure and therefore my stomach lining remains thinner.
I hope this helps!
CarolKelso tmpearce
Hi there... I am just like you. I am 47 and had a hysterectomy 10 years ago with ovaries left in... My tummy and bowel have been the worst hit by this change with awful axiety making my bowel move and on the loo 3 to four times a day. I get awful wind (trapped) and at night and first thing it's awful... Lots of belching and neasua that are worse at certain times. I've tried it all but it worries me so such at times. Had camera down my tummy and all fine. GP says I've ibs and the anxiety makes it worse at times... Thx for advice as know its due to hormones and the reasurance really does help... Hope we both get through this soon. Thx again for sharing and any other advice I'd appreciate . CK
marisol06794 tmpearce
Hi tmpearce
so sorry to hear that you two are going through so much it is horrible it's scary around four years ago I had a tubal cyst which was removed and part of my tubes cut but still have my ovaries since then my life changed for the worse I started getting every symptom known to man kind from night sweats to cold chills aches and pains dizziness nausea i started gaining weight I was so tired I couldn't function I couldn't work I also got fatigue tightness in the chest I ended up in the ER about four times got my heart checked everything good thank God and in that department got my tummy check few months after that everything was fine I started feeling better and now the stomach issues are back it worries me sometimes i get a weird pain like stabbing sensation I get nauseous and the pain that comes and go sometimes a burning sensation that goes all the way to my back and I've been like this for a month this past week I've been so dizzy I can't even stand I went to the doctor for the stomach issues and she said it was gastritis she gave me famotidine 40mg it helped a little but that's about it I am frightened of what I eat I even have lost some weight it's really hard coping with all of this hopefully we will get through this soon god willing i really wish you feel better Thankyou for sharing with me it gives me comfort to no I'm not alone hugs!!!
CarolKelso marisol06794
Hi Mario... I'm simular with the stomach and bowel... Awful wind with neuasea. I too had a scope down my tummy and nothing.. It's all too much at times, combined with bad anxiety... You are not alone... Please god it will pass... Take care. CK