Stomach Issues...

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Any problems or sensations in the abdominal area that anyone is having, could you please share your symptoms?????   Once again, hypochondriac on the loose and I’m thinking “pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer”....

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10 Replies

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    This all started with me with a terrible bout of acid reflux and burning stomach. I control it with diet but when i start eating trigger foods again it creeps back up. It's been acting up for the past week. I have had so many weird things with this I can't even begin to tell you! Try not to worry! I know that's easier said than done! Just ask God to help you get thru this rough time! Hugs🌻🌺🌷

    • Posted

      That’s what I wanted to hear...(well not really..).  I’ve been flaring up with acid reflux which I’ve only gotten while pregnant and I am also having this burning sensation in places thru out my abdomen.  Sometimes I think it’s more located just on my left side and then sometimes it’s more centrally located.   Everyday I seem to have a new concern or an old concern that went away comes back.
  • Posted

    Please don't worry. Last year this time I worried about many things. I had endoscopy and ultrasound, CT scan all came out clear. But I still have pain and problems. I time to time feel tightness and pain on my left side of the stomach as if there is a knot inside me. It feels as if somebody is pulling the strings and making the knot tighter hence the pain. One Dr say to me that I may have adhesions inside and which may be causing problems to my bowel movements. I guess it is possible. Please don't worry and make bad assumptions but get it checked. All the best

  • Posted

    Oh yes, where do I begin?? Recently for me it has mainly been nausea and lots of rumbling! Appetite comes and goes, I take motillium when it gets really bad, seems to help xxx
  • Posted

    I had pain all over my stomach, my doctor ordered a ct scan, it turned out to be my fibroids were acting up. She put me on a low dose birth control pill and this cured the issue.

    But when I felt nauseous I would drink mint tea, eat peppermint candy or make ginger tea. Peppermint worked best for me.

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      Your fibroids gave you stomach issues? How interesting. I also have fibroids, but never equated them with stomach issues.
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      Yes, fibroids give you symptoms as if you have kidney, or liver, or stomach issues. I had pain all over my stomach, and since it was also on my right side near my liver I thought it was gallstones but it turned out to be my fibroids were inflamed.
  • Posted

    Yes yet another symptom I was talking to an elderly lady in the hairdressers we were all talking about menopause /peri and she said her worst symptom was the washing machine tummy and I said yes that’s mine the gurgling , burning and upset . My symptom just now has to be the pain in the shoulders forearms always think the worst 💕

  • Posted

    Oh my yes. Gas, appetite comes and goes any little pain and I'm sure it's the big C. I have at one time or another though I've had everything you've mentioned. Terrible health anxiety. I just try to pray it away.

  • Posted

    I have stomach issues that I hadn’t really connected to meno, but it all started about 3 years before my last period in 2016. Reflux, random pain. Weird gurgling and lots of intestinal ‘flutters’. I was told it’s likely IBS. I had an upper endoscopy which showed mild gastritis.  I take meds for reflux but still get occasional flare ups, which I can almost always tie to stress. Two days this week were horrible. Pain in upper abdomen, right below sternum and I could just feel the acid churning.  I know it’s related to stress at work and helping my daughter get ready to leave for college. (Then in the middle of this she had a minor car accident 😣. ) I use a daily fiber supplement which helps the intestinal discomfort. Tylenol helps the pain. Sometimes sparking water or ginger ale help. 

    Relaxation and calming anxiety are the answers for me!

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