Stomach issues
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For the past 5 days I've been experiencing a very sour stomach and dizziness. I've heard it can be caused by drastic drop in estrogen levels. Has anyone else experienced this and what did you do to make it better .
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julia15874 lori93618
I've been suffering with dizziness now for quite a while, I'm seeing GP about going on HRT next week, because it's progressing to not just dizziness m, it's also nausea and headaches which is worse when I travel, the dizziness does not get better with dizzy tablets either. Travelling, drinking alcoholic drinks, eating big meals makes my symptoms worse. I thought I'd cope with hot flushes which I don't suffer from but this dizziness awful!
Trishann lori93618
I've been going through these issues on 3yrs plus!! The dizziness, chest tightening and stomach have been my 3 biggest issues plus hot flashes. I'm sure All have to do with the perimenopause!!?? but nothing seems to help me either!? It's crazy what happens to our bodies.. weird things come n go! I have a list and it goes on n on! Prayers to all on this journey through menopause. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
tmpearce lori93618
I've been going through this for several years now. About 1 1/2 years ago it hit it's peak....dizziness and feeling like I was going to pass out, chest tightness and health anxiety through the roof. Then the gastric issues started with tightness and full feeling in my stomach, feeling like I had a lump in my stomach and my throat and also a burning stomach, esophagus, throat and tongue. After several trips to emergency room for the dizziness and chest tightness and numerous tests including cardiac and ct scan of head and colonoscopy and endoscopy.....everything turned out normal except for chronic gastritis.
Now....about two years later I can say that my symptoms have decreased significantly! I still have some gastritis issues and chest tightness which I attribute to hormone fluctuations because they come and go. My biggest complaint right now is periods of feeling tired and just plain wiped out. I'll have several days of this and then it seems to get better for a bit and then returns. I know that I need to get some exercise and that will help but it's hard to want to exercise when I feel so tired!
It will get better?. I remember thinking that I didn't think I would ever get to feeling halfway like I did several years ago. I'm having more good days than bad days now.... especially with the stomach and anxiety issues and I'm holding onto that positive step forward!
michelle50768 tmpearce
Please tell me what helped your acid and gastritis
I've had omeprazole and lanzaprazole but had too many side effects
I've been in Peri nine years
Currently 10 months without a period and the acid is giving me chest pain now
I've had this issue all throughout my peri but it seems to be getting worse
I won't even list all my symptoms I will be here till tomorrow!!!!!
It's been hell this last nine years ??
tmpearce michelle50768
Hi Michelle,
I am sorry you are going through this. I also could not take omeprazole because of the side effects. My GI doctor switched me to pantoprazole, another proton pump inhibitor. I was so afraid of side effects that she put me on a low dose of 20mg twice a day instead of the usual dose of 40mg once a day. I took it for a total of 4 weeks then stopped it. It decreases stomach acid by about 80% and that slowed my food digestion down so much it felt like it took forever for the food to digest. I also took digestive enzymes with it. Since proton pump inhibitors are only meant for short term use, my doctor felt the gastritis had healed somewhat and changed my medication to ranitidine 150mg twice a day. This med decreases stomach acid by about 35%. I've been on the ranitidine for about a year now and feel my gastritis is about 75% better....which is wonderful considering how bad it was. I remember thinkining how much longer could I live in this hell where I couldn't eat anything and always felt bad.
I domstill I'll have to be very careful what I eat and have to watch myself because I'll have a few days to a week of feeling great and will slide back into my old eating habits which will cause a flare up. I avoid wheat and try to eat gluten free, low fat, limited dairy (I use almond milk and coconut milk). I am a cheese freak so this is the hardest part for me so when I do eat cheese I stick the the low fat and harder cheeses like extra sharp cheddar and Parmesan. I use minimal seasonings and no salt. Salt is hard on gastritis and when I eat deli meats I always have issues. Lots of steamed veggies, whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, millet etc. Fish, chicken breast. Sweets and baked goods are limited and chocolate is not good. There is an ingredient in chocolate that relaxes the esophageal sphincter which causes reflux. The chocolate thing is the worst for me....chocolate is my drug of choice and I just can't live without it!
i know it sounds daunting....but you can do it and I promise you will feel better if you are diligent with the diet changes. Then, when things get better, like me, you can treat yourself once in a while!
Sorry for the long post and feel free to message me if you have any more questions. I don't claim to be an expert.....just a menopausal woman who is discovering what helps and what doesn't. 😊
michelle50768 tmpearce
Thank so much for reply
I've been to hell and back the last nine years!!
I've not had a period for nearly 10 months so I don't know if I'm nearing the end
I'm taking gaviscon at the moment and I know what you mean when you say you have to watch what you eat
I don't drink or smoke am a very healthy weight but I have had quite a bit of chocolate this week so wondering if it's caused a flare up
I've also suffered health anxiety and depression in this so called CHANGE
Now I know why it's called the change I don't know myself anymore
Thanks again hope all you lovely ladies get relief soon x
tmpearce michelle50768
I know....I feel like an alien has come down and taken over my body. I also suffer from health anxiety and if I'm not careful it consumes my mind....every ache and pain I get I'm convinced is something serious. I also don't drink and have never smoked. My weight is good and all of my tests have been normal, yet I still worry. Had hysterectomy in November, 2015 with ovaries left in and just wish I could get my energy level back!
I agreee.....the change is a good term for this!
brendababy lori93618
Hi Lori, I've been suffering from many symptoms over the past couple of years and dizziness/balance problems have been the worst. I'm on tibolone HRT but the dizziness has never went away. I felt a bit better for a few months, however, I've had spotting of blood for two weeks (no period for 6 months) and last Saturday I was helping my husband in our cafe and I took a funny turn, it was terrible, very dizzy, more than usual and thought I would collapse. By Tuesday I had a severe migraine and sickness. My balance has been terrible since with feelings that I could fall over. I'm not sure if it's lack of estrogen or progesterone but it's rediculous to think that we have to live with this
The nurse at my practice has also told me my bp is now high and prescribed tablets which I'm too frightened to take incase they make the dizziness worse. The other thing I wanted to say is I've had ibs symptoms now for a while but the last three weeks it had got worse so must all be connected to this bad episode I'm having
I think stress makes my symptoms much worse as I'm having problems with my family at the moment and noticed my anxiety has went through the roof
Sorry I'm not able to offer much help only that I can tell you the symptoms will lessen and then may be severe for a while, we'll just need to try and muddle through until our bodies accept the drastic changes we're going through
Keep in touch and let us know if you find anything that helps
Lots of love and chin up xx
liz67338 lori93618
Hi Lori dizziness, stomach pain and chest tightness are a few of the worse issues I've been experiencing for nearly 3 years now. I've literally tried everything to help & unfortunately so far nothing seems to directly help these particular issues. But what I have established is what makes it worse and I do my best to work around that ie travelling/motion makes worse so wherever possible I walk, I've monitored that I feel worse in the morning / first half of day so I'll try & plan as little as I can in mornings. I've learnt to deep breath through the chest tightness to stop me panicking & making anxiety worse. I also relentlessly eat well & foods that support energy digestion nervous system etc which helps me psychologically in terms of reassuring myself I'm supporting my body as much as I can through this.
juanita93228 lori93618
Lori, you are not alone. I've had stomach issues since I was in my twenties. But since going through menopause, the issue became worse, then they got better. I still have to watch what I eat and my doctor put me on pantopazole. I read somewhere that any issues you have while younger(stomach, anxiety, etc.) become even worse during peri and post menopause. But I have more good days than bad now.
The dizziness is much better, although now I'm having some balance issues, but yoga helps that. Pray, drink, water, exercise and be good to yourself. But don't be afraid to give in sometimes and cry, eat ice cream, drink wine, and take a Valium(if you have a valid script).Lol!!!
columba84250 lori93618