Stomach issues

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Has anyone else experience stomach pain in various areas, also nausea after eating and just a general tender stomach that hurts to touch🤕 I also feel full up so quickly when I eat and the thought of food can often make me feel sick

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Pagie,

    So sorry to hear you're going through this with your stomach, really hoping everything settles down and just want to reassure that these symptoms very much can be normal during mono and pass over with time - I know that doesn't help at the time but do hang in there and check in with the doc for reassurance and check-ups, always wise to do that.


  • Posted

    Hi Paige,

    I had terrible nausea, check with doctor to make sure though.

    • Posted

      Hope you and your family are doing better Mono, how have things been?


    • Posted

      Hi Craig,

      My granddaughter is much better, my daughter is still struggling and I came down with a mild virus, which made me feel mono like for a week, I seem to be pulling out of it though. Did you ever feel like that during recovery?

    • Posted

      Hi Mono,

      Sorry to hear that your daughter is still struggling and that you came down with another viral type thing - you have been so unlucky you really have. Yes I remember other colds and viruses affecting me worse and sending me backward a little at times during the recovery phase, it won't set you back long term Mono it's just a set back you will be on your way again - I really hope and believe that. Hoping that things pick up for your daughter too.


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