Stomach Issues
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Hi Ladies... I too am struggling with digestion issues. I have had abdominal pain and lots of gurgling sounds, wind and a complete fullness in the upper abdominal area for going on two weeks now with little or no relief.
I have had this in the past for short periods of time but this is the longest. I may also mention I just had my cycle after 40+ days and this started about a week before. This period is very light and almost non existent (just enough to aggravate you lol).
Anyone else had it last this long. I have tried Apple cider vinegar, gas x, ranitidine just to name a few with little relief. The pain is gone but the bloat and fullness (almost causes breathlessness) is still holding on.
Any encouragement would be greatly appreciated.. This peri is no joke.
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Guest joann1972
Hi Joann,
I struggle with this a lot and it comes and goes just as you said. I have times where it will be with me for 7-14 days consistently and then let up and not bother me for weeks on end.
I find taking a digestive enzyme helps a lot with each meal when it is at its worst. Definitely helps the bloating in the upper abdominal area for me. Peppermint tea also helps with that feeling as well. If I think of any other remedies I will chime back in.
marisol06794 joann1972
hi joann I am going through the same thing right at this moment I've been like this for 2 days now just like you it comes and goes sometimes it lasts longer than others I've been having this issue for a long time now ever since I started perimenopause I could be fine for a couple of weeks and then it starts up again also my period ended 3 days ago and all of a sudden yesterday I just started spotting a brownish color that's the first time that this has ever happened to me just wondering has this happened to you before is this another part of this ongoing roller coaster that doesn't seem to stop I've gotten so many different symptoms that I've already stopped Counting I've taken Nexium and Gas-X when it's really bothering me and also I drink ginger tea and peppermint tea coconut water and that gives me some relief hope you feel better soon God bless!!
Thanks for the replies ladies. So helpful to know you're not alone. It just gets so frustrating at times. I think I have had every symptom and then some....including the stopping and they the brownish later... So gross. I will try the peppermint tea... Maybe it will help.
sherri87081 joann1972
I have the same problems with my digestive system. I think I will try the digestive enzymes. Couldn't hurt. It seems like our bodies are just falling apart.