Stomach issues and muscle pain?
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Hello all,
I am a 35 year old male, in decent shape 6ft 212 lbs and workout 3 times a week. Last June it started with a feeling in my stomach like I had to burp but couldn't and hearthburn . I googled my symptoms and obviously cancer was the first thing that came up and I panicked. I went to a GI Dr who looked at me and after giving me a thorough exam said since I was a father of two with a stay at home wife I had Gastritis. And ordered an Ultrasound of my abdomen, everything looked normal besides being diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver. He prescribed me Zantac 150 and I was on my way. After a few weeks symptoms completely went away with occasional bouts of diarrhea and muscle pain in my front obliques. ( Dr and GI dr said this was due to the belt I wear at work which weighs 12-20lbs depending on what is on it).Fast forward to November where I had blood in my stool, Again I started freaking out called my GI multiple times and he told me its nothing but due to my high levels of anxiety lets do a colonoscopy. That was done December 18th, 2018 and everything came back negative. He did say I had a high level of inflammation and possible IBS. Now the last two weeks I again have been looking up my symptoms which I know I should not do. My ribs hurt to touch depending on the day, and I feel like I am bloated often even though I am not. My stomach also randomly feels "hot" like its sunburned on the inside every few days as well as some light back pain, and sore muscles in my abs and sometimes hamstrings.I have had a colonoscopy, ultra sound of my stomach, blood work, CT scan and still have these symptoms. I am going crazy ..anyone else have similar symptoms or can offer any advice?
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Also , colonoscopy showed internal hemerrhoids which caused the bleeding. Colitis / Chrohns and a biopsy for cancer (2mm polyp) were all negative.
Vish2015 R051311
In my 35, I too got similar symptoms except heartburn. Bloating all the time, and unpredictable. I hope you also might have looked for hpylori on google?
Yeah , I am going to the Dr on Monday and GI on Tuesday , going to try for another blood test and endoscopy with Plyori test.
pippa58442 R051311
You could ask for a stool test for h pylori which is less invasive than an endoscopy.
nancy1942 R051311
have you tried not going to gym?maybe for 3 weeks or more. try a probiotic, FLORA 50 billion critical care, one a day.....
hope it certainly wont hurt you,,,,,,
Hanse063 R051311
I have the same issues. For the chest pains we have done ct scans, tredmill heart tests and more. Everything cardiovascular is negative. i do have esopagitus and gurd so they said that's whats causes the chest pain.
Im doing a colonoscopy this week so we will see.
Where exactly is your stomach pain? Mine is lower left ab almost by pelvis bone. Does it hurt to touch? Hurt when you bend or drive? Does food make a difference?
R051311 Hanse063
I am starting to think its Fibromyalgia and IBS. My pain is exactly where you described, right above the pelvic bone and can be on either side but its all muscle. The cartilage in my ribs also has days where it is sore to press on and apparently the two go hand in hand and "flare up" with stress. Food doesnt really make a difference even though I am lactose intolerant.
mary19068 R051311
Hi RO51311
You may be overdoing your workouts. Too much intense exercise can release too much cortisol from your adrenals and this in turn can cause problems with the digestive system. The workouts could be responsible for back pain, sore muscles and hamstrings. Ask your doctor to test your cortisol levels.......
pippa58442 R051311
Since you have been diagnosed with a fatty liver, gastritis and possible IBS with haemorrhoids, I would accept these diagnoses and leave it at that. You have had highly accurate tests and a diagnosis from a GI expert Having all these tests, will not stop you having the symptoms you have got; the tests will only diagnose you. You have these symptoms because of the conditions you have been diagnosed with.
Try avoiding rich, fatty and spicy food to help your gastritis and try some milk which is good for soothing the stomach. Zantac can also help to protect the lining of your stomach.Gastritis and IBS can cause intense health anxiety which you seem to have and these conditions tend to keep coming back in flare ups especially when you are anxious Feeling bloated, rib cage pain, back pain and the burning stomach sensation can occur with gastritis and IBS.Try a stool softener to avoid getting haemorrhoids. With a fatty liver, avoid alcohol.
Do not google your symptoms; simply do a food diary to see if you have any foods triggers, try to stay as calm as possible and above all believe, trust and accept your doctor's diagnosis. All these things that I have suggested will help a lot to manage your conditions.
pippa58442 R051311
Sorry, I didn't see your were lactose intolerant but you could try lactose free milk instead to soothe your stomach.The sore cartilage pain in your ribs could also be due to a condition called Costochondritis which can be cause by stress to the ribcage area. Anxiety can cause this and constant pressure to that area from workouts. I have had costochondritis due to anxiety and it is very painful although it can suddenly just clear up on its own or come back.
So after reading and listening to a few talks about cognitive thinking I changed my perspective. My gastritis/ibs has subsided considerable in less than a week. I still get pain in my stomach but its not noticeable unless I think about it. Have a weird slight muscle cramp like feeling in my stomach in the same spot for two days. But the pain in my muscles/ribs is gone. Thinking of having an endocope done just to rule everything out as I will have had an ultrasound/colonoscopy done within the last month. My Primary care doctor said its just stress , and it will take time to heal. But I know once I get a negative endoscope any and all anxiety will be gone. I think that alot of people on here are in the same boat as me with stomach pain and thinking worst case scenarios as its scary. However for someone like me 35 year old male to have stomach cancer would be insanely rare. for 30-40 year olds less than 50 people are diagnosed with stomach cancer a year. So for myself and others to jump to this conclusion is actually ridiculous none the less health anxiety is a huge deal with many people.