Stomach issues for few years.

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HI, I want to share my story here because I don't know what the heck is going on with me I'm 23 years old and migrated to the US from the UK when i was 19. After a year of living here I randomly started experiencing crippling nausea, but no vomiting and throughout the months it progressed to indigestion and excessive belching After a year and a half of these symptoms I then developed heartburn, as well as epigastric pain that would travel down to my lower abdomen. I've been tested for H.Pylori, Celiac disease and had an endoscopy which have all came back clear. Recently about 2 months ago, I ate some pizza, immediatley after I had pain in my right side and up my back, vomiting and diarrhea. I thought this could be my gallbladder but my HIDA scan came back with an ejection fraction rate of 83%. My doctor doesn't know what's causing my issue and has ordered a CT scan but I'm feeling pretty hopeless at this point

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you seen a GI specialist yet. Your regular doctor won't find anything wrong with you. He is just guessing. A specialist will help you considerably. Don't waste time and money. Could still be A gallbladder issue. CT will verify this. In the meantime do not eat spicy or acidic foods ok. Good Luck Stacey

    • Posted

      yeah my GI is the one who has been referring me for all these tests. Thank you for your reply! I may end up having to change GI doctor

    • Posted

      yes that is a good start. I was going to suggest that change. Stay vigilant this is your health and livelihood here. Glad you are smart about your issues.

    • Posted

      Thank you! I work in the medical field and worked with a lot of different doctors. Some, like my GI simply say "I don't know what's causing your pain, goodbye" and others dig further.

    • Posted

      I saw a lot of regular doctors. The last doctor I saw diagnosed me correctly. They don't just guess. They do find what is wrong with you by taking your medical history, trying you out on different medications and running tests which are accurate. If a HIDA scan and gallbladder ultrasound shows nothing, that usually means there is nothing wrong. Scans do show up problems fairly early on.

    • Posted

      I know that something is wrong and I know my own body. Again working in the medical field I'm aware that some people get diagnosed more quickly than others. I'm hoping that something comes back with my CT scan.

    • Posted

      If nothing shows up, it may be IBS.I was in the same position as you with no diagnosis of my abdominal pain for a long period. I hoped against hope for something to show in tests but it didn't even though I knew something was wrong. It turned out to be IBS, which was much simpler than I had imagined it to be. Stress can be very hard on the gut, especially while waiting for a diagnosis. Try hoping that nothing will be found, in that way, if your CT is clear, this is good news for you.

  • Posted

    Have you had any change of bowel habit along with the abdominal pain? Does the pain improve temporarily with a bowel movement? If you are having these symptoms along with pain that moves about, ask about IBS if it hasn't already been mentionedIBS doesn't show on any scan or test. Have you tried a food diary to see if any other foods apart from pizza trigger your symptoms? Presumably gastritis was ruled out by the endoscopy?

    Perhaps also ask for an abdominal/pelvic ultrasound if the CT comes back clear.

    • Posted

      pretty much any food triggers my symptoms haha, fatty foods and junk foods more so. My whole life I've had a slow colon and it's never given me these symptoms. Sometimes I'll have diarrhea but it's never anything crazy or that alleviates my symptoms. And yes, gastritis was negative but I'll keep in mind a pelvic scan. I wasn't sure IBS could affect the upper GI tract. Thanks for the advice!

    • Posted

      Yeah I don't have ulcers as that was ruled out by an endoscopy. IBS is definitely something to consider

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