Stomach issues. Pain of being starved

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i was curious if anyone has had similar issues. After a weekend of heavy drinking on st patricks day, on the sunday i felt fine.. just hungry. ive been going to the gym 5-6 days a week and found myself only eating 1-2 meals a day. Yesterday i woke up to my stomach absolutely killing me with hunger pains. i ate to relieve the feeling (a greek yogurt and 2 eggs and 2 pieces of toast) after my stomach felt extremely bloated and gave me a lot of pain. i tried drinking water throughout the day and when the water hit my stomach it caused severe pain (still felt like hunger pains) i had a pretty big dinner and thought maybe i was just malnourished and the hunger pain came back. my stomach felt so bloated that i felt like i could barely breathe which in turn gave me bad anxiety. i have lost 8 lbs in 3-4 days and constantly have that hunger pain without a growling stomach. i also feel nauseous but havent thrown up. anyone experience anything like this?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    i experience this alot with my gastritis. make an appointment with a gastroenterologist and have them do an endoscopy to see if you have this. its treatable, i have chronic gastritis so mine is just manageable

  • Posted

    Hi jacquiline93

    If this is your first experience of tis sort of digestive problems you have probably aggravated your liver and digestive system with excessive drinking of alcohol.

    Try eating small snacks throughout the day and drinking only water or herbal tea. Eat non greasy, acidic and spicey food in order for your gut to re-adjust after all the alcohol.....

  • Posted

    Try a food diary to identify food triggers and avoid rich, greasy and spicy foods. Eat little but often; don't overload your stomach.Don't eat late at night. Give it a week to see if your symptoms go away. If they don't see your doctor and ask for an endoscopy to see if you have gastritis.

  • Posted

    it doesnt matter what food i eat, as soon as it hits my stomach im in pain any my stomach gets bloated and I get the extreme hunger pain and get extremely nauseous 😦 im actually on my way to the emergency clinic now.

  • Posted

    Keeping a supply of anti-gas tablets on hand can avoid a lot of problems. It should be your first response.

  • Posted

    I get these same symptoms but no longer have gastritis (endoscopy was done). I have had this off and on for months. Had ibs 50 years but since my gallbladder removed all heck has broken loose. I have been diagnosed with post cholecystectomy syndrome which has pushed my ibs over the edge. The bloating is unbearable. The hunger pains can't be stopped until they are ready. I eat small meals often but the small meals don't fill me up. After they do subside, the horrible bloating starts.

    • Posted

      i am so sorry youre going through that audrey 😦 i feel your pain. i just got back from the emerge after waiting 3 hours and my blood work came back clear and so did my pee test. they gave me acid reflux meds and told me to see my doctor to follow up with an ultrasound and endoscopy. The doctor told me to go home and eat small meals like fruits/veggies. Well im currently trying to eat strawberries and the hunger paid is unbearable everytime the food hits my stomach. 😦 how do i eat if it causes more pain.. i feel starving but feel even more starving pain when i eat. damned if i do, and damned if i dont.

    • Posted

      That's so awful for you. Actually pineapple, cantelope and honeydew makes me hungrier. I know pineapple has bromelaine in it which helps with digestion which could account for some of the hunger pain. I am on acid blockers for 5 months now so they also at times make me hungry. I can also get nausea right after the hunger pains stop. It is crazy. No sense to it.

    • Posted

      that is so weird!! it doesnt matter what i eat right now it causes me pain. just tried eating salad and as soon as i swallow i get that pain to the EXTREME. its like a high peak pain and then it subsides to manageable after 4 minutes. it scares the crap out of me.

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