Stomach issues , please help :(

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Ok, im needing some advice smile emoticon Was wondring if anyone els has these symptoms...... Ive been like this for a long time, and have been to th doctors so many times regarding these symptoms.......for exmple yesterday at 4 i had a macaroni pie and beans and 3 cookies and felt bloated and full for the rest of the day and night.....and the next morning i feel sick then it disapears, ive never been sick with like this everytime i eat something. Sometimes i just feel sick out of the blue then disappears frown emoticon The docs havent diagnoised me with anything yet.....all they have done is taken bloods, which all came back fine....they have tried me on Zantac and omezprazol meds for acid reflux but they made me dizzy frown emoticon Im getting fed up with feeling ill eveyday and everytime i go to th doctors its a different doc each time, feel like im going round in circles frown emoticon

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Vonnie

    Sorry to hear you are having a bad time.

    It's very difficult to suggest what your problem might be without a bit more information. It's good that your bloods have been clear.

    Is the example you gave of what you ate typical of your diet?  Macaroni pie is quite heavy and your digestive system might find it difficult to digest. Could it be that you have an intolerance to additives in the beans or wheat in the biscuits.

    Keep a diary of what you eat and your symptoms and present it to your doctor.  It may also be worth asking to be referred to a dietition to see which foods could be causing you a problem.

    Hope you get to the bottom of it.

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    Well i hardly eat because of how i feel all the time sad Im too scared to eat ust incase im ill sad Ive lost weight because of this..... Even when i dont eat all day i still feel horrible.
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    It must be so difficult for you.  Keep trying to get further tests done, particularly as you are losing weight.

    All the best.  


  • Posted

    hi vonnie, l can ditto some of your symptoms. For a long time lve felt full and bloated after meals, even when moderate size meals, no particular food just anything. l,d about 4 bad bouts over l8month each lasting 4-6wk when l felt nausea from waking and through day, worse on exertion, went off food, but had to eat something, due to tablet taking on stomach, so it was tea and oat biscuit several times a day, if a settled evening maybe a bit of mash, chicken, broccoli,bio yogurt,  

    this became daily since oct, lost a stone, had gastoscope, scan, bloods, just a bit of inflammation found, put on omprazole, still bad 2-3wks later, so came off omp and antibs used as preventative for ic, told doc, symptoms did settle quite a bit, still no real appetite, Yesterday took a couple of paracetamol for backache and nausea back, still there today, as with accompanying tiredness, aches and pains,lve seen quite a few docs, different meds, still it goes on, lve a petscan this week, consultant week after, maybe get diagnosis with that, but like you and others you do get really fed up when its on daily basis, affects your lifestyle and motivation, enthusiasm, jobs difficult to do, but on my own so no choice, some days feel really low with it, but just hanging in and keep going waiting for a reason. lv bought gluten free, lactose free, l,m sure yesterday it was with just taking 2 paracetamol and 3hr apart, We can have simular symptoms and different causes, l think you need to see gastroenterologist for a scope which might bring diagnosis, do you belch a lot when bloated, or get bad throat-tongue  with it, or have any other symptoms.  There  is a lot of advice on gastritus thread about food intolerances, diet, alternative remedies, l found ginger helped a bit, but it doesnt take much to set it off, though l dont vomit with it, but eat so little anyway. l,m hoping scan will bring reason for me, and maybe scope would for you, sorry to say some gps will leave you to it for long enough before referring you to experts, time goes by, and its often more than a frown about it, but keep at them and good luck


  • Posted

    I totally understand and have been referred to G I doctors that have had to refer me to other G I doctors. It es frustrating and depressing ager awhile but DO NOT give up. I have multiple serious stomach issues... My question: Have you had a gastric emptying test and endoscopy??? Sounds like an issue with digesting food but, understand I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I am speaking from my own experience. I have a condition called gastroparesis...
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    Whats your symptoms 1Tia1A?? Its emotionally draining too!
    • Posted

      Hola my friend. I am nauseous every morning, have gas both up and down, severe weight loss, and now loss of appetite. If I do no eat, i have a terrible hunger feeling but if i eat, i feel like i have swallowed a brick. ...can no win for the losing it seems. Lol!!! : )Also have days that I can no eat or drink anything without getting sick and "gag" uncontrollably whether I have eaten or no. I have been diagnosed as having gastroparesis, hiatal hernia, gallstones, severe gastritis and duodenal ulcers. The worst part es the stomach pain which es like a strong hunger feeling combined with a "blow to stomach" at same time. The stomach and left leg also swells and there es back pain that burns. My blood tests everthing either high or low. I have been like this almost every day for almost five years. It es discouraging, frustrating and the depressing. I have times that I am very afraid that it could be so serious that I may lose my life. I feel this way when the pain es extremely severe. Pain medicine do no help so I stop taking. I will no become a "slave to drugs". Still trying to find a doctor that can at least make me comfortable. There es truly a such thing as having a high pain tolerance because there es no other choice. I totally understand the loss of hope feeling but, I fight that too...
  • Posted

    Hi vonnie xx

    Have you had an H.Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) test.  It can be done via stool test or breath test (Urea Test). HP is a tiny bacteria that burrows into the gut wall and the duodenum. It has a spiral tail and bores its way through. It causes acid reflux sickness and loose stools (you dont mention about your bowel movements). This little parasite can make you quite ill. Ask your GP for a test as a process of elimination...hope this wishes...

    • Posted

      Thats what my docs doing next.....a breath test......since the meds are not agreeing with me.....what is a breat tst exactly??
  • Posted

    Hi vonniexx

    A Urea Breath Test can detect if you have the helicobacter pylori bacteria by

    testing if the urea in your body has been broken down by HPylori.. if it has.. your breath will show carbon and nitrogen in it..this will indicate that you've tested positive for HPylori because it has broken down the Urea.

    If so you will be given antibiotics to kill it off and have another Urea breath test  after you have taken the course of AB's to see if the bacteria has been eliminated. Your breath should show urea if the antibiotics were successful in eliminating the HPylori.  I am not certain how the test is carried out,  but I guess you would have to blow into something and give a breath sample.....hope this helps wishes with your test....

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    Hi friend, if your. Dr didn't order a blood test for Coeliac Disease, ask him to. Bc it's autoimmune, it's very hard to diagnose. Also, load-up on gluten at least a week before the test. (not a difficult thing to do bc it's in most of our processed foods). Be proactive, bc your Dr won't as there's no meds he can prescribe.

    I experienced exactly your symptoms (there are over 300)! An endoscopy was finally given & biopsies taken fr my duodenum revealed CD.

    Live long & prosper!

  • Posted

    Well.........went to the docs again........and he reckons that im only surviving on 500 calories aday sad and he thinks all my symptoms are related to not eating.....well yesterday....i ate 2 cheese rolls, chocolate, crisps......and still this morning when i woke up i felt sick again! im so over feeling like this!!!

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