Stomach knots were what was causing my digestive problems and pain

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Recently well exactly a week ago went to my Kinesiology lady because of 3 weeks of awful bloating, swelling and pain approx 2 hrs after eating, lots of belching and constipated.  

Like last time again she said due to stress (this time thinking i was seeing mum dying before my eyes) a few weeks ago. My stomach goes into knots, this time she found 2, said it was the shock of the incident with my mum.  Apparently when our stomach muscle goes into a spasm it takes some of the intestine with it so food eaten isn't getting through properly. She removed them and im fine now, no more discomfort which was severe and the nausea has gone as well too.  

Very worrying to think this could happen again, she said some it affects their heads, others their stomach or if they are really unlucky both.

Need to try and relax more and not worry but not easy as had a phone call again about 2 hrs ago to say mum is having another dizzy attack, she ends up getting TIA  attacks which take her weeks to get over.  

On google i read rubbing a tennis ball over the area can help remove these knots.

Anyone else had this problem?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    What is a kinesiology lady, what country are you in and how old are you?
    • Posted

      Kinesiology is defined primarily as the use of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body's structural, chemical, and emotional energy. Kinesiologists undertake years of training to be able to access the movement of energy - or what the Chinese call Chi - around the body and brain.

      Im in the UK and im 67.  She also does food allergy or intolerance testing, also discovered im gluten intolerant. It was her who years ago discovered i had a very bad case of candida as well. To many antibiotics, years taking the contraceptive pill, and to much sugar all contribute.   

  • Posted

    First do the endoscopy, ultrasound and hida scan to see if any major issues.
  • Posted

    I have stress related IBS and my bowel spasms when I get too anxious.  Trying to avoid stress and taking antispasmodics helps me.  

    Alternative therapies made me very unwell for nine months; my immune system didn’t like being disturbed by chiropractory and deep tissue massage.  The stress on my body triggered IBS.

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