Stomach muscles

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Please tell me that it is normal whilst going through menopause for stomach muscles to just go.i had 2 biggish babies and stomach near enough went the 30 years since they have responded to abs exercises but since my last period my stomach now resembles a deflated doesn't respond to exercises no matter how hard I there some unspoken ruling that stomachs think ' that's it,no more babies so we can retire'.any suggestions on how to wake them up again.x

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Well I'm not sure but I have the same! Sometimes when I'm lying down it looks like a right jelly belly I hate it!  I do like biscuits and chocolate but don't eat a whole pack or anything. I did read that during menopause you do have to actually reduce your calorie input by at least 200 calories but not sure how true it is. 
  • Posted

    Yes Linda, I had muscle everywhere and about 2.5 years back I became a doughy woman. However, now that everything is settling down... my muscle is coming back, my stomach is flat again. I still have a lot of work but, it's coming back around! 
    • Posted

      Thank is nice to know that they will reappear.will just have to keep wearing baggy tops to disguise the spare tyre that has appeared over the top of my just makes me feel so unattractive
  • Posted

    Hi Linda. Yes I know exactly what you mean about the tummy. Mine seems to do what it wants regardless of what I try to do! I have found a book which appears to be working on reducing the problem area. It's all to do with eating well and cutting out sugar , carbs etc. it's the only thing that has worked for me. Xx
    • Posted

      Thank you.i will have a look.something has to be done because it really doesn't feel like it is part of my body xx
  • Posted

    Thank goodness I am not the only one who feels this way! I am so uncomfortable sitting, laying, driving, whatever! I do NOT like this feeling at all. I feel full even when I haven't eaten. I have 4 children (all of whom were large babies: my 3 girls were over 10 lbs., one almost 11.) My skin was very traumatized by pregnancy, but it did bounce back. I, like you, feel embarrassed and try to cammoflauge it. But there is no disguising the discomfort I feel. No amount of exercise seems to help. I am trying to keep an eye on the sugars and carbs, but they are my strongest nemeses!!  Good to hear it will let up after the peri settles down!

    Thanks-take care!

  • Posted

    Stomach muscle exercise - have you tried lying on your back with hands by side and try to slowly raise both your legs together to the vertical, keeping them straight? First time I did this was agony but its easier with practice, I precede it with some yoga to warm up, pulling knees to nose in turn 5 times, and I can now easily raise the legs slowly 10 times. Give me a sense of achievement, improves my stomach muscles (two cesarians) and somehow stops me from eating/grazing (stomach muscles tightened?), also meant to help blood pressure, by quickly raising the pulse as if you have done some real exercise lol !

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