Stomach muscles moving around

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Has anyone experienced feeling movement in their stomach like it may be the muscles or the nerves? I experience this ocassionally especially near my cycle.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes sharcerv I do feel that way every now and then. To me it almost feels like a baby kicking.
    • Posted

      So glad you posted this I thought I was crazy. Do you ever have a problem with retaining fluid in foot and leg?
    • Posted

      Yes dears I thought I was going to have twins 😳😪😱 

      (Hi Jay) 😘

    • Posted

      No, I don't get any leg swelling. But everyone is different with some of these symptoms.
    • Posted

      Thanks I have swelling just in one foot and leg. Back in may when I was diagnosed with having an underactive thyroid I mentioned to gp and I mentioned it again when going back for monthly blood work he didn't seemed concerned. It doesn't hurt etc.. Its just annoying I think I read once that hormonal imbalance can cause that.
    • Posted

      Yeah that fluid retention can show up in different places. For me, it's my belly. I'll look like I'm four months pregnant and then after my period...poof, it's gone.
  • Posted

    Any of you ladys have very bad pain in the lower right side of your stomach???Mine started yesterday and it was like contraction pain and let up and now ive had it twice today...about to the point where i cant stand it anymore but not sure if its just very bad cramps or not...due to start in a week or so......thank you ladies...

    • Posted

      Hey Laurie I have not experienced that. I've known a couple of ladies that actually had cramps that bad. Is it in you ovary area?
    • Posted

      Yes it is....omg never had pain like yhis before...feel sorry for ladies  that go thru this every painful....cant walk or do anything but lay down and sometimes that doesnt help....thank you so much for your reply...Hope your doin well!!!
    • Posted

      Yeah, I get it on the lower left side only because I only that one ovary on left side. I get a little cramping there when i
    • Posted

      Its possible you could have a cyst. My niece had one on her ovary and it burst she was doubled over she said it was very painful. Hope you feel better.
    • Posted

      Sorry, hit the wrong button. I was saying, when I'm ovulating I feel a little cramping on my left side.

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