Stomach pain for over 4 years. What can it be?
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I've had a stomach problem for over 4 years now. I've had all the tests done the doctors could possibly think of, and endoscopy, a colonoscopy, tests for different diseases, allergies, and everything like that. This all started when my parents got divorced, and I don't think I'm stressed. I've been to specialists and they still can't find anything. I've even been to therapy. A child physiatrist started me on an anti anxiety and depression medication which hasn't helped AT ALL. I'm 16 and In the last 6 months I have lost 25 pounds due to not being able to eat very much. My ENTIRE abdominal area is extremely tender to the touch to the point where I can't even touch it/ slightly push on it. I'm nauseous and I'm tired of it. All the tests were done 2 years ago. Could anything have changed? Or could something else be wrong? I'm in quite a bit of pain and I just need some other opinions.
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sanya11314 Jennaf1045
I read that you can still eat even salads, so that is good.
My daughter is similar age and currently can only eat liquid diet, the pains so horrid that school impossible and nausea/vomiting every day and night.
Now, thoughts hence due to our many years of suffering and slow, but steady more testing:
- upper and lower belly pains can be physical, an SMAS (superior mesenteric artery compression syndrome) and a ligament cutting into coeliac artery (MALS) can be tested via doppler ultrasound.
- if you had nausea/vomiting: a gastric emptying study (low dose nuclear non-invasive test) can show, if it was delayed and tackled with low fiber diet (yes, low fiber) and some motility drugs
We were put far too quickly into the 'psychology' draw as teenagers, especially girls, must have it all in their brains, anxiety or even eating disorders if loosing weight....
you have to fight on to get more testing as testing and coming back as exclusions are peace of mind, too!
All all the best
Jennaf1045 sanya11314
Thank you so much. I will ask my doctor about these things. All I know is that I can eat most foods just in small quantities. And to be honest it was very odd of me to lose 25 pounds in 6 months. But it was just because I was so nauseous I didn't want to eat. I ate very little in that time period
sanya11314 Jennaf1045
All the best!
(Have to say MALS/SMAS can be treated better than dreaded idiopathic gastroparesis.)
geoffrey06420 Jennaf1045
Hi Jennaf,
I had severe abdominal pain for several years, like you it was tender to the touch. The pain was 24/7 and I was getting practically no sleep. I went to my GP (and other GP's in the practice) and despite much feeling of my abdomen were unable to diagnose the problem and just prescribed painkillers. Eventually I was referred to the local hospital for ultrasound scans where it was found that I had a very stretched bladder and was retaining about 2 litres of urine. I was referred to the urology department who did various tests and eventually decided that the condition had gone on too long for any cure. I was put on to self-catheterisation and from that day the pain lessened and within a week I was pain free. I can't tell you what a relief it was to get a nights sleep. At first I was a little anxious about the catheterisation but it is a simple process and only needs a few seconds three times a day. This probably has no relevance to your condition but may be one more thing to consider. Good luck finding a cure!
Jennaf1045 geoffrey06420
Thank you very much. I will ask my doctors about another ultrasound because I'm very tired of my abdominal pain. Thank you for the idea!!