stomach pain for over a year

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I've had stoamch pain for over a year, mostly right in betwenn the bottom of my ribs (so i know its the stomach). Since april 2015 I've had a upper scope and 2 CT scans and been on 4 different PPI's. The GI specialists has not been able to figure out what is causing my pain  or the inflammation that the scope showed. I was even treated for  H.pylori the pain when away and i felt better for about  two weeks. After the treatment i missed my morning ceral so bad i couldn't wait to have milk and ice cream the pain returned so after a little research decided i was lactose intolerant( as i'm not a big fan of  milk only in my cereal and coffee, hot tea). The GI doc said that was problaby it and to use soy or almond milk or lactose free. which i had already swtiched to. she also changed my meds from protonix to nexium. the first few days my stomach pain seemed better but now its all day all the time.. Just so sick and tired of the pain and all the pills. Any one have a idea or suggestion??

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12 Replies

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    Have you been tested for Coeliac Disease? If not, please have the GI do that soon... If s/he did test you and it's been ruled out, there's a chance that you may have a gluten intolerance or just an imbalance in your gut. Fermented and probiotic foods can help "the good bacteria" over the bad if that's the case.  

    In many cases of Coeliac Disease, patients are lactose intolerant until their gut heals (which takes months, maybe longer in some)...that's partly why I suspect CD in your case. I hope it's something much more simple.  Good luck!

    • Posted

      thank you for our response. I was tested for Celiacs last month it was negative. I've tried probiotics in the past they just caused constipation. After i year of this I was hoping it was Celiacs just to know and what to do to make it better. i'll do some research on gluten intolerance..
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      Hi, Crissy! Of the three of us in my family who were on probiotic supplements, only one has had anything good come from them. And, that was after years of trying one after another in his case (my son without CD). My son with CD was actually glutened from one with no gluten ingredients in it (per the label), and I haven't found any help myself...  But, I do get some IBS relief from sauerkraut and kimchi (I have mild lactose intolerance so I don't do yoghurts, etc. at this point) but probiotic-containing foods are usually beneficial - skip the pills. You can even take a lactase supplement to break down the lactose in the same way your body would if it were producing sufficient lactose itself. 

      I'm sorry you have chroic pain and inflammation and I'll bet the worst part is not knowing why or how to stop it. sad Have you been tested for food allergies?  Those can contribute to your symptoms, too. Good Luck!

    • Posted

      no i haven't been tested for food allergies guess i need to talk to the doctor about that. i bought some of the lactase supplements and i took them when i eat ice cream but i don't think about it when we sit down for dinner and theres cheese in the dish.. I'll research probiotic containing foods too. thank you and good luck to you too
  • Posted

    I feel your pain, Crissy.....literally!  I've had pains on both sides just under my ribs for three years now.  Had all the tests, tried different diets and meds, even had my gall bladder removed.  Nothing has helped except the TENS unit that I use most every day.  Doctors have no idea and probably never will.   I don't have any advice but just wanted to let you know that you're in good company.  And it probably isn't fatal.  Take care and surround yourself with good thoughts and good people!
  • Posted

    Where exactly is your pain located and what type of pain is it. Do you have any other issues with lower abdomin or back?
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    All terrific advice from the rest of the class. On food senstivities and intolerances do you know it can take 3 to 6 months to come good after stuff your body doesnt like. If you can afford it try to get an IgG test. These are very accurate and covers 93 items. I get one every seven years and its utterly how your body can heal itself. This I reckon is the root of just about all tummy inflamation.
    • Posted

      Thank you. I guess i have some more things to talk to my Doctor about..
  • Posted

     Where is your pain locate Chrissy do you mean at the bottom  of your lower ribs or where the opening of ribs start under your sternum. 
  • Posted

    Hi - just checking in...any answers/help? How are you getting on these days?
  • Posted

    I am at my wits end as well, such a mystery and I wish I could find some answers. With me, my pain comes in cycles/flares, I can have a constant pain which is achey/twinges in the upper central abdomen, about 2 inches above my belly button. My pain will last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, then magically disappears, this is why I call it flares. Have had all the tests a few years back. Ultrasound, endoscopy, colonoscopy, tested for celiac etc... My pain is constant, it does very in intensity through the day, but it's always there, smack dab in the middle of my upper abdomen. Nothing I eat makes it worse or better, bowels are soft than hard, so i was told it's ibs. But why would ibs come and go like this? I can sometimes go months and be fine, but when it does happen, I have it for weeks/months and it is relentless. The only thing my ultrasound ever showed was a fatty liver (which I have been told is not the source of my pain) and if even I did think it was this, my pain is central, not to the right (where your liver is) My endocopy a few years back only showed mild inflamation, could these be gastritis attacks? Any info/input would be greatly appreciated...thanks smile

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