Stomach pain in the morning for 3 years

Posted , 6 users are following.

Hello guys, I have a stomach pain about 3 times per week for a few years at 5-6 PM in the morning(I have the pain JUST in the morning).When i go to bathroom or i move little bit the pain dissapear.What can be?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I've had what sounds like the same thing, but very occasionally in recent years. It wakes me and won't let me sleep until I get up and drink a glass of water. On Facebook, others have reported this and also found water a solution, other not so and find milk helps them. It seems to be stomach and heartburn related. No other harm that I've noticed.

  • Posted

    I've had what sounds like the same thing, but only very occasionally and only in recent years. It wakes me and won't let me sleep until I get up and drink a glass of water. On Facebook, others have reported this and also found water a solution, other not so and find milk helps them. I have a 9 cm scar from a pyloric op there so wonder whether the pain might be from adhesions, hunger, indigestion, or a combination. As it's so unpredictable, treatable, and hasn't come with other issues, I've not sought medical help..

  • Posted

    Probably trapped gas. Try simethicone anti-gas tablets. No prescription needed.

  • Posted

    i have the same thing. have had it for a few years too.i had ultra sound nothing showed up. was booked fir CAT scan, abdominable and pelvis but cancelled it this morning due to coronavirus-19 my pain is low in the pelvis and i get it around 4-5.

    , goes away as soon as i have bowel movement. i eat 5 prunes a day to make sure it easier to have a bowel movement and make sure i have a bowl of high fiber cereal every day. i have not had the pain for a week now, dont ask me why. i just started the stuff i mentioned about 3 weeks ago, so who knows. i am female and 78 from ontario.right now i am more concerned about covo-19 virus a s if i get this it could kill me at my age. if i find out anything else i will let you know.....i do have a bit of diverticulitis and it could be this. i also take align, like a probiotic for IBS........

    thanks nancy

    • Posted

      Hope your new routine continues to work. let us know if it doesn't.

  • Posted

    Gluten was the source of my morning pain. Pain was in my lower abdomen until I used the bathroom and then it instantly went away. Didnt realize I had gluten intolerance until I got off of it and I didnt have anymore pain...

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