stomach pain, severe but no diagnosis
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Hi, I've had severe stomach pain which seems to happen about once a month,sometimes twice. It is upper abdominal, I have a high pain threshold, this pain reduces me to tears every time I get it. There's is no trigger but the symptoms start the same. Around 5pm I will get a stomach pain that starts off dull similar to if you were really hungry, progressing each hour until you 10pm it's at it peak I can barely move no position can be made comfortable no tablet for acid or pain relief (tramadol) touches it. It keeps me up all night and symptoms dissappear around 7 am as if it never happened. I've had this for 5 years, doctors diagnosed me with IBS although no symptoms are similar and there is certainly no relief in emptying my bowels. I've had blood tests for liver, all stomach functions, allergys and infections all negative. Every time I get pain I go to a&e as pain is so severe I feel as if something inside me has ruptured, shot I feel light headed due to pain. Despite all this doctors at a&e send me home with co-codaml and tell me to go see my doctor. I have been about 20 times in last year to be giving more anti acids which don't work. Can anybody help who has had similar symptoms it is affecting my quality of life as I feel something is seriously wrong in my abdomen and I'm being passed off as one doctor told me 'your in your 20s your not old enough for serious health problems, you look well and people that are ill don't look well the look ill' yeah doctor you should see me at 3 am rolling around my floor in pain!
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Sexysimba heather04173
heather04173 Sexysimba
Sexysimba heather04173
Sexysimba heather04173
mark40841 heather04173
I have been experiencing similar symptoms to yourself. I am a fit, healthy 33 year old male. I never had a problem with my stomach until earlier this year. I experienced agonising pain in my upper abdomen that lasted for 7ish hours. Back ache and tiredness were the other main symptoms. I have since experienced these pains on a monthly basis. They start at various times of the day. It starts as a dull stomach ache and ends up in agonising pain for hours on end. I have had blood tests, a gastroscopy, ultrasound scan and everything came back normal. On my last visit to the doctor he asked me, "what do you think is wrong with you?" !!! He has given up and i have no idea where to go from here. I have tried Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Gaviscon, Buscopan and Ranitidine. None have helped to ease the pain. Good luck in your quest to find out what's wrong with you.
Sexysimba mark40841
mark40841 Sexysimba
I have suffered eight bouts of this terrible pain now and it is really odd that it occurs like clockwork each month.
I am at a low point because my doctor originally said 'don't worry, we will get to the bottom of this', but now he has casually written it off as IBS and said 'see if it fixes itself'.
A couple of people have suggested that it may be stress related, and the first experience of my symtoms came after we put our house up for sale. We move into our new house next week so perhaps things will calm down, but i am a very relaxed guy and don't consider myself the type to get 'stressed out'.
Sexysimba mark40841
Sexysimba mark40841
mark40841 Sexysimba
Sexysimba mark40841
julie62066 mark40841
Wow this is the first time I've heard anyone describe my exact symptoms. I've had this problem going on for four years and have had every test. Doctors have brushed me off too. I have had some luck with taming the symptoms by not eating all day and curling up on my right side with a pillow under my stomach and a heating pad. Has anyone here gotten a diagnosis?
ruth30607 heather04173
Hello have you figured out what the issue is? I'm having the same exact issue went to ER and Doctor and they can't diagnose me with anything but the pain is real