stomach pains

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about 7 months ago i was having really bad heartburn and was living on anti acids and it just kept coming back. and for the past 6 months i have had change in stools, i havent had a normal stool in months and they change colors every time. i have upper abdominal pain and back pain, a.nd tired alot and have a un well feeling every morning and wake up with diarrhea every morning loss of appatite, i have had a ct scan,mri,and ca19 9 test as well as every blood test u could think of. and stool tests and breath test, my stool is alwayse greasy, i wake up shaky and i wake up every morning around 5 to 7 in morning feeling sic and weak. i also had a colon oscapy done and was normal. could it be gallbladder not working

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Ask for an abdominal ultrasound of your gallbladder and a HIDA scan which measures how well your gallbladder is working.  This will tell you if you have gallbladder problems.  Another possibility is IBS if your gallbladder is normal.  Have you been tested for gastritis?  It is possible to have gastritis and IBS. 
  • Posted

    Gallbladder attacks will typically happen after eating fatty foods. The only way to know for sure is thru a ultrasound. I went for 6 months of hell before going to a special list who ordered the testing. Went to ER a few times spent a lot of money (CT scans blood work) ultrasound is the only real test. 

  • Posted

    Get a MRI and and CT. I think it's Sounds like you are having gallbladder issues. I went through same as you . blood test show nothing. So don't let the Drs tell you other words. Hang in there ok. Good Luck. I feel for you.😎

    • Posted

      i am a 24 year old male, never had any problems befor this an mri and ct scan wouldnt miss pancreatic cancer would it. i know its almost impossible for me to get that. but still worried. and 7 months i would already be really sic right?
    • Posted

      CTs and MRIs are very accurate and do pick up tumours.  People get sick very quickly with pancreatic cancer.  It is very rare in people of your age.  Since your tests came back clear, accept the results and don't worry.  Keep going back to your doctor and ask for an abdominal ultrasound of your gallbladder and a HIDA scan to check gallbladder function.

      Are you taking any medications or supplements?  Sometimes they can change the colour and constistancy of your stools.  Have you had an endoscopy to look for gastritis?

    • Posted

      i have an endoscopy on the 2nd and thank u that makes me feel alot better
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      and i have bn taking probiotics with inzymes to help but not really doing anything
    • Posted

      If the supplements don’t work, come off them to see if the colour and frequency of your stools improves. Hopefully, an endoscopy will reveal something.  Some people say their stools change with gastritis.

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