Stomach Pains
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Does anyone have stomach pains? I did a GI gut test and found overgrowth of bacteria in gut , don't know if the pain is from this or peri? I also had an appt with my gastro dr and she wants me to do a ct scan and bloodwork, but i am so freaking out about it. I have really bad health anxiety. Though the dr who did the gut test said the bacteria will cause pain and make one feel awful. Just wondering if anyone else experience pain in the stomach. This is a new symptom.
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marisol06794 mary27278
hello mary I'm going through something similar right now but I'm feeling more bloated kind of fullness even though I would get that pain before but for the past 3 days I feel bloated I was at the supermarket and I felt so dizzy I thought I was going to pass out i was tired and sleepy and felt sick to my stomach also I feel the fullness right under my left breast kind of scary I am in the last day of my cycle I don't know if that's can be what's causing this I've gotten so many different symptoms going through perimenopause it's been a long six years for me ever since I started this long roller coaster I've been having a lot of digestive issues I have to watch what I eat this is a really hard time in our lives I really do wish you the best and hope you feel better soon God willing we will get through this blessings!!
jaynie08827 mary27278
i been getting alot of burning in my stomach ..sometimes in the night i catch myself almost throwing up in my slerp its crazy. yes the bloating too and i take nexium ..
Indifferent mary27278
I went through a stage where I had very intense stomach pains during the night. I am a very heavy sleeper and they would wake me up.
They hurt! I dont seem to have them anymore
mary27278 Indifferent
What causes this? Where were your stomach pains located?
Indifferent mary27278
They were everywhere from under my ribs to under my belly button. very intense during night hours, but my bowels always move first thing in the morning, so perhaps if I were an afternoon pooper they might have been during the day. I don't know.
This peri stuff is scary at times. Thank goodness I am a heavy sleeper! I have also woken up thinking I am having a heart attack at times, chest and back pains that run to my shoulders and arms. Luckily I can usually just turn over and sleep again but a couple of times I have gotten up and taken a hot shower, figuring that if it didnt settle maybe I should go to the emergency room. I havent yet though.
very strange this time of life.