Stomach pains that cause fainting spells

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I get these really painful stomachaches whenever my stomach and/or legs get cold or too hot, and when I eat after waking up. This usually leads to a fainting spell, and I just drop to the ground and lay on there until the nausea disappears (it leads to many weird stares from people). I feel better after using the bathroom, but my stomach feels acidic for a couple of days, up to a week. I end up staying in bed for the whole day and I'm not able to eat anything in fear and pain. I've often missed school and other events because of it.

I'm currently 22, and have had this problem since high school. I'm always having to be extra careful so it doesn't happen while I'm outside. This problem is more frequent during summer because of the temperature change indoors and outdoors (the a/c is my worst enemy). I always have to carry a blanket around and wear a jacket 365 days, my stomach is constantly bloated/gassy and make a lot of noise during class, and I can never wear anything that is thin or short. 

I've had an endoscopy and visits to the doctor, and everything has come out clean. I'm not sure what the cause of this is, and I've read other forums with similar cases but they all say that they haven't been able to find the cause of it either.

If anyone could give any tips or advice about this issue, I'd be very grateful. Thank you for taking the time to read this! 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello there I'm a 34 yr old female and you sound just like me I've dealt with the exact same problem since I was a kid. Stomach issues I mean fainting spells didn't start until after I had my daughter but found out the cause of that was I'm hypoglycemic and the stomach issues... My GI doc did a colonoscopy and found out I have gastritis....didn't see it with endoscopy and it's very painful can't eat can't sleep severe stomach aches the whole 9 and it makes me quite miserable at times so I suggest you get a colonoscopy maybe find something with that. Trust me I know it seems hopeless but don't give up and just deal with it like I did finally I found relief and I know you will too good luck I hope my sharing has helped in some kind of way.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much! I feel a little bit of hope after reading this, and I'm glad there is someone who understands what I'm going through.

      I tried to get a colonoscopy two years ago, but ended up in failure because I couldn't handle the drinks. Now I have bad a phlegm buildup that makes me feel nauseous all day long and I always end up spitting for at least 10 minutes each time I brush my teeth. I was wondering how you went through the prep stage and if there was any way to make it easier? 

    • Posted

      I would ask for a CT colonoscopy instead.  It is known as a virtual colonoscopy and is less invasive. It takes pictures of your colon.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much! I'll try to figure out what virtual colonoscopy is called in my language and consult with my parents about it.

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      I speak some Korean and am currently living in South Korea. 
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      I'm not sure if you saw my previous post where I suggested you could try hiring an interpreter for your next doctor's appointment.

    • Posted

      Hello I'm glad you have found some hope. And as far as colonoscopy goes I didn't have to drink any prep what I had to do was fast for 12 hrs before time and use laxatives for a day and a half just to cleanse colon no drink so ask about that. Where are you? I'm in the US Florida to be exact.

    • Posted

      I'm in South korea.

      And the laxatives that were given to me were in the form of powdered drink packets, which had to be mixed with water. I was only able to get through the first two packets (eight total) before I gave up.

  • Posted

    Have you asked your doctor about IBS?  Have you tried keeping a food diary to see if any foods are causing a reaction?
    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply! I live outside of the US and because of the language barrier, I've had difficulties trying to consult with the doctor.  

      And I haven't kept any food diaries, but there aren't any specific foods, except maybe spicy food, that cause my stomach to react. I can eat anything as long as I don't eat while my stomach is cold or right after I wake up. Also, I'm not sure why but the aches are especially bad in the morning, and it's a guarantee I'll get a fainting spell if I swallow anything.  

    • Posted

      Perhaps hire an interpreter when you next see the doctor.
    • Posted

      The laxatives I took was otc tablets called dulcolax very easy in the stomach I don't know if they are available in south Korea or if under a different name maybe mention that as an alternative prep for colonoscopy. And if you don't mind me asking what is your first language?

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