Stomach problem again

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Wow months of feeling great then Bang out of no where chest wall pain stomach problems pain in muscle of backs of arms and back was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about a year ago had that under control now it’s back with a vengeance 

I have been taking magnesium B complex  ibuprofen Tylenol  I am at my wits end trying to figure out what to do,  I panic about this have been to the doctor had cardiac test all with no results.  Only problem is cholesterol was elevated and I’m overweight . Any suggestions?  

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16 Replies

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    Light yoga stretches and ice/heat work for me with the back pain & sciatica. Maybe try an epsom salt bath? When my stomach trouble flares I still to small meals and avoid hard to digest foods like raw veggies & popcorn. I also cut down on caffeine and cut out anything carbonated. Moving helps overall, so it’s best to stay as active as you can!

  • Posted

    Hi misty,

    I sympathize with you!  I suffer from chronic gastritis and it seems like it will flare up and then be okay for a while before it flares up again.  My biggest mistake was to go off my gastritis diet when my stomach was feeling good.  This would cause irritation and inflammation to recur and back down that rabbit hole of gastritis, anxiety etc I would go!

    Two years ago my endoscopy showed chronic gastritis and I just had another endoscopy done 10 days ago which now shows erosions in my stomach.  Luckily my esophagus looks normal.  I’ve now learned to stay on a gastritis diet until symptoms are gone and then...stay on it 90% of the time!  It’s okay to treat yourself once in a while though!

    My doctor told me that inflammation in our bodies is one of the main causes of most of the symptoms.....gastritis, fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain.  Now I follow an anti inflammatory diet, eating only those foods which do not cause cell inflammatIon, I take vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 because I’m low in those due to malabsorption from gastritis.  I don’t take any other vitamins right now because they hurt my stomach (the B12 and D3 dissolve under my tongue)..  I also started taking collagen protein powder once a day.  It  is high in amino acids which helps heal gastric lining and is great for joints, skin and nails!   I take a good probiotic as well.

    I suggest you might try an anti-inflammatory diet.  It may help with your gastritis and fibromyalgia....and as a bonus should help lower your cholesterol and help with your weight issues.

    Ibuprofen is very hard on your stomach and may be a contributing factor with your gastritis, as do all non steroidal anti-inflammatories.  I take Tylenol occasionally, always with food, and it seems to not bother me.

    I’m hoping to have these erosions healed by being more diligent with my diet and feel the other positive effects.

    i hope this helps and I hope you get to feeling better soon!


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      Pain has been off and on for over a week it was my fault eating spicing food 

      The chest muscle pain and stomach is terrible makes my back hurt as well as both my arms.  Feels like I have a gas bubble that won’t come up so frustrating and at time debilitating 

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      Hi there..

      Can I ask what your anti inflamitory diet consists of thanks? Carol K

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       An you explain the diet I would like to try it worth a try
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      It’s basically a diet that involves eating foods that are known to fight inflammation and eliminate foods that cause inflammation.  I don’t  eat sugary foods and refined carbs such as sweets, desserts and white pasta, bread, potatoes and rice.  I don’t eat processed meats and snacks which would be deli meats, hot dogs, potato chips etc.  Avoid trans fats. I also don’t drink sodas.

      What I DO eat is:  Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables and at least 5 servings a week of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage.  Aim to eat about 6 servings of fruit/vegetables per day.  I eat lean chicken, pork or turkey, white fish and salmon.  Whole grain breads and pastas and brown rice or quinoa.  I only use olive or coconut oil.  Beans, nuts and seeds are good.  I drink herbal teas which are decaffinated.  I do eat dark chocolate in moderation...although it’s not good for gerd.  I pretty much only drink water aside from the herbal teas.

      Its basically a healthy eating plan...sugars, refined foods and processed foods are the biggest culprits in causing inflammation.  I’ve learned a lot by searching for anti inflammatory diet after my gynecologist suggested it would help my hormones balance and would have the added effect of helping my gastritis and other symptoms.  She did mention that the Mediterranean diet is pretty much an anti inflammatory diet.

      It’s not easy and is a struggle to be consistent when I love sweets and chocolate so much, but this last flare up of my gastritis and the discovery 10 days ago that I now have gastric erosions has made me even more determined to stay on it!

      If you do a search for anti inflammatory foods you should find much more info.  I hope this helps!🙂.  Feel free to message me if you have any questions.  I can only tell you what works for me...and it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for the info a few years ago I was in Jamaica and found myself having horrid  chest pain went to the hospital it was GERD bad  I ended up on a gluten diet which helped I guess back to eating that I am for sure going to looking this diet up thank you again
    • Posted

      I would add to this a suggestion to start with cooked/steamed veggies if you aren’t used to eating raw. It can wreak havoc on your stomach otherwise. And go easy on the fruit - to start - for the same reason. I speak from experience! 
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      I hope this helps you.  I also eat gluten free.  I’m not celiac diagnosed but am non-celiac gluten sensitive diagnosed by my GI doctor.  I also eat very little dairy....most dairy has added hormones which we don’t need to add to our already hormone sensitive bodies.
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      Good suggestion Teri!  I learned the are way that raw veggies are hard to digest and cause me a lot of stomach discomfort. I now steam, roast or sauté in olive oil all of my veggies!

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      Thank you for this, I really never thought about gluten free until recently, I had a slice of pizza and within 5 minutes of digesting the slice I got so sick, I felt like I had to vomit

      My stomach cramp so bad it hurt for days. So now I think clean eating and cutting dairy is the way to go.

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      Absolutely gilly....clean eating and cutting dairy...and our bodies will thank us!🙂

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      I drank some baking soda and water felt better for a few hours then ate bacon and bang I feel like crap again.  Back to ice water. I don’t know what I was thinking.
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    Hi Misty, Do you eat late at night? if you do try and stop it Have your last meal at about 5 and see if that will help.

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