Stomach problem that won't go away? Not sure what to do...

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So a couple of months ago I got a bad bit of diarrhoea, it only lasted for a day or two but the nausea, stomach pain, bloating and gas has stayed around for months. I tried taking dairy out of my diet, no luck, I've tried limiting the amount of sugar and fats I'm eating, no luck, I've tried to eat a good amount of fiber everyday, still no luck. I started getting some blood in my stool but suspected this to be a case of haemorrhoids as it was getting painful to poo and I was getting constipated and probably pushing too hard. I thought this was strange still so I went to a specialist and I did a stool sample and a blood test, the results came back normal, he also thought the blood would be from haemorrhoids and that I just had a case of post irritable bowel syndrome and it will go away on its own soon enough. Its been over 4 months since the diarrhoea and I'm still feeling sick in the stomach, nauseous, very gasey and occasional light headed. What should I do? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    You don’t get post irritable bowel symdrome.  But you can get post infectious IBS which sometimes occurs after a stomach infection. Once you get IBS, it is chronic and is likely to affect you for life.  It rarely goes away on its own.  Does your stomach pain move about?   Your symptoms sound like IBS.

    Did you get a firm, definitive disgnosis of IBS?   If you didn’t, see your doctor again for more tests. 


    • Posted

      Yeah sorry Post Irritable Bowel Syndrome is what the specialist reffered to. Both my GP and the specialist said it was IBS so it sounds pretty accurate. Not quite sure what you mean by my stomach pain moving about? If u mean come and go then yeah sometimes its not there other times is quite obvious.


    • Posted

      I meant that with IBS, the pain moves about to different areas of your abdomen rather than staying in one spot.
  • Posted

    did you check on your gallbladder function with hida scan ?
    • Posted

      I didn't, I will most likely go back and do more tests if nothing improves soon

  • Posted

    did you do endoscopy for stomach and ultrasound and hida scan for gallbladder? if not, please complete all the diagnostic tests.
    • Posted

      No I haven't I'm gonna go back and get more tests back if I don't see an improvement soon

    • Posted

      No I haven't I'm gonna go back and get more tests back if I don't see an improvement soon

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