Stomach Problems
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Hello Ladies. So I posted a few days ago about not getting my period at all this month so I have been all over the place. Since the start of peri I have had stomach issues which I thought I had under control until about 4 days ago. My bowels are off usually pretty regular now I am not. I have alot of heart burn when I burp I feel it worse it also hurts in center of chest and upper back. I have alot I mean alot of gas sorry tmi. But it seems trapped my stomach almost has a gnawing and gurgling sensation. Has any of you ladies experienced this? Is this due to me missing my period? At this point I'm unsure wether to get this checked or ride it out but it's pretty uncomfortable. Tia..xoxo
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christina81747 renee61138
i get it off and in yoy should take over the counter meds or go to doc to check also when progesterone is high it relaxes the digestive tract which will cause bloating gas acid reflux and such
renee61138 christina81747
Hey Christina. Thanks for responding. Yes I am 15 days late on period second time in 6 months. ughh my stomach is so bad. Question with your acids reflux did you get pain pressure inbetween shoulder blades? My husband had a real bad GERD attack a few years back and that's where his pain was. I need this to go away I can deal with alot but this is very uncomfortable.
christina81747 renee61138
yes it can cause all sorts if pain and sensations if you dont go to doc try over the counter i take nexium and take a goid probiotic
vicky42722 renee61138
renee I am having pain between my shoulder blades too. I too have had many many symptons but I agree with you this one is by far one of the most uncomfortable. I also have pain in my ears and throat too. My teeth and gums ache sometimes too. I was wondering if you had any of these issues too?
Reneehob renee61138
I too have a lot of GI issues. . I feel like its never relaxed. It's as if a contant pulling sensation. I never burped this much in my life . As soon as I wake up the sensation starts . I feel like the pulling /pulsating /vibrating sensation gets worse as soon as I eat. I am trying to keep a record to see if eating certain foods makes . I find myself being afraid to eat. At one point I thought I was getting acid reflux . Most often I have to sleep with a pillow under my stomach. I haven't been able to see a GI specialist because of the covid pandemic. Most of these symptoms are so difficult to explain. I pray for the day when I can feel like myself again
renee61138 Reneehob
Renee Thank you for replying. I have had many symptoms as well but by far this one seems the worst so very uncomfortable. I've also had severe health anxiety which i manage pretty well until things like this I also get pain under my armpit usually that's how I know my period is coming but not this month and since no period everything is wonky
katyD211 renee61138
Hi ladies....yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!! Renee61138 you just described me! I am sitting in misery at this moment. Like most of us, you know when your tummy starts acting up its period time....but then nothing happens. I have literally prayed for a period just to balance things out. Then I will be ok for a while- a month or more- then i notice Im constipated. So i take miralax to unplug. Then it gets too loose. Then I get anxiety 15 on a scale that ends at 10. If i finally relax and eat a cookie, or ice cream or too many fast food meals...sheesh! I too am afraid to eat, Reneehob. Sometimes i awake nauseous like pregnancy morning sickness. I pray it is all hormonal, it's scary when it happens. I get the gerd if i eat too much of a starchy food. Also have them check your gallbladder. Mine had to come out not quite 4 years ago. Please know we are all gonna be ok! No wonder menopausal symptoms weren't discussed a generation ago!
renee61138 katyD211
Hi Katy Thank you for replying. If you could can you tell me what your symptoms were with your gallbladder. Did you have pain in back between shoulder blades? Ugh this is craziness.
renee61138 katyD211
Hi Katy Thank you for replying. If you could can you tell me what your symptoms were with your gallbladder. Did you have pain in back between shoulder blades? Ugh this is craziness.
katyD211 renee61138
Yes, like a burp that got stuck on the way out...or something going down got stuck. Sometimes sharp pain under right breast...sometimes smack in the middle. Pepcid or Zantac (can't take that now!) or lemon ginger tea always helped. Anything fatty or greasy or tomato-based would set it off. Think, pizza, fried foods and spaghetti...
your right shoulder blade description gave me a flashback.
Get it checked doc said its common in women over forty.
lexie41068 renee61138
hello Renee, I hope you are doing much better I am experiencing a stomach issue as well gas, pressure on the upper chest afraid to eat sometimes to avoid this strange pain I had a break for 3 days and came back again not sure how to explain this malaise.
renee61138 lexie41068
Hello Lexi. Yes I am doing a little better today and yesterday still gassy but pain isn't bad. Yes I feel mine in center of chest and back in between shoulder blades. So very uncomfortable. Have you tried taking anything. I have eating very bland last week and it maybe helping although I didn't have appetite for awhile because I as well was afraid. Hope you start feeling better as well. It's a horrible cycle
lexie41068 renee61138
hi Renee, I have been better the past couples I tried to eat whole foods instead of processed like fruits n vegetables only for now not easy but we have to so hang in there I pray God will see us through this as it too shall pass.
amy67442 renee61138
I think I could have typed the same message. In fact - I just created my own discussion. I have been suffering with intermittent stomach issues since the end of January. Because I had a colonsocopy 3 years ago for a hemorrhoidal situation (ugh!!), she wasn't overly concerned so things just got put on the back burner. I'm now at the point where everything I eat causes me to feel like my stomach just gurgles and growls and feels bloated...I'm talking anything....Even water! Once I alleviate diarrhea, I feel constipated. It just seems to go back and forth. Now I feel a bit of heartburn, too! Exactly like you said - like I have to burp and nothing comes out. I am so tired of overthinking and just constantly being aware of my stomach! I'm trying to get an appointment with a GI, but it's so hard with Covid. I'm losing my mind and just want to feel better!
renee61138 amy67442
Amy I truly feel for you love. It is truly debilitating. My normal size clothes sometimes don't fit because Of the bloat. Do you get a gas bubble like you need to belch but it goes up and down in middle of chest or pain in the back inbetween shoulder blades ugh I hate it and yes I have GERD as well. I try to watch what I eat and not over indulge but I still like certain things so I pay a price so to speak if I eat it. Have you tried keeping a food diary? If you need to you can pm me Bern dealing with this on and off for 3 years