Stomach problems for almost a year, please help!
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I've been reading these threads for a while, but now that I have been suffering for so long, I thought I would post my own symptoms and hope for an answer... It's long, and maybe TMI, but please bear with me! ;_;
I have this constant nausea since last December. I've had periods of nausea and not-feeling-like-eating moments in the past, but they usually only last a few days, and I assumed they're natural cycles of my body. But as far as I remember, this intense nausea started when I had a glass of milk tea (usually just gives me a slight stomachache and maybe smoother-than-usual poop) at a local tea shop (that I always go to), and from that evening, I had a really bad case of nausea.
My parents said it was because I didn't eat anything after that milk tea. I thought it made sense, because I had the milk tea around 3-4PM, I got full, so I didn't consume anything, practiced a trio with my friends, went for exercise, and came back around 9. I started feeling sick around 7. Eating a tiny bit of rice helped, but I thought I couldn't keep anything down, so just went to bed.
Since then, I've been nauseated. The intensity varies, seemingly randomly. Sometimes I won't be nauseated, but that only lasts a day or, at most, 5 days. Now, most of the time, I worry about being nauseated again.
I ended up visiting the doctor around March or April, and because the doctor himself wasn't there, the RN prescribed me Zofran. She said nausea itself isn't enough information to diagnose anything, and I sympathize with her. Zofran helps, but I heard that I may develop tolerance, so I don't take it too often.
When I went back when the doctor was back, he said it's probably just gastritis from stress. But I didn't notice any active stress factors, and even if I did, I've been stressing about school and such for a while. So why now? Regardless, he told me to try taking Prilosec (since Nexium gave me even worse nausea). Prilosec gave me pretty bad nausea, too. He also said an endoscopy or other tests won't really reveal anything, especially for my age and demographic. Could I be sick for so long just because of stress I can't identify?
There are some things that I suspect that may be stressing me out. I'm an only child, and honestly I've been pretty sheltered. I don't have much experience being on my own, but I'm leaving for college quite far away (13-14 hour drive). Perhaps I'm subconsciously worrying for my future self? My boyfriend suggests that since I've always been so goal-oriented, I used my stress as energy to drive myself further. But since college admissions were finished (I ED'ed) and school began to matter a bit less, I had nowhere to direct my stress to. Could that be it? Ugh, I'm just so frustrated with myself and my body for not getting out of this nausea thing!
Recently, I've sometimes been choking on my spit while sleeping on my back (I usually sleep on my side). I read that this could be GERD, or simply because the airway can be obstructed while sleeping on the back. I sometimes get a ache in the upper and side abdominal area. Yesterday, I had to wake up in the middle of the night for course registrations, and when I did, I had this really salty spit, if that counts for anything.
And this may be completely unrelated, but my "down there" has been itching for a while (I don't remember since when, but it was definitely since the later half of last year), so I took Monistat 3 and 7 (with like 2 weeks in between because M3 didn't work well) in April/May. I know, late treatment, but I thought things would go away. And because the gynecologist didn't have time, I just took a leap of faith and took the Monistat anyway. The strange thing is that it only itches at nighttime... And after the Monistat 7, it seems to be okay, but it's kind of returning again. I don't know for sure if it's yeast. Could this be related to my stomach problems?
Sorry for the incredibly long post, but if you took the time to read this, please help! Thank you!
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Also, I have these strange calluses on my fingers that come and go... It can't be because of repetitive usage, because they appear just above the palm, in the first section of the finger... It happnes both front and back on my ring finger, back on pinky, and front on middle finger... Is this indicative of anything?
Lol am I a hypochondriac...?
nat55834 vn4526
VN - do you have any dizziness? visual disturbances? Ringing in the ears? Fullness in the ears? Balance issues? If your nausea is accompanied by any of those it could be an inner ear issue.
My chief complaint is nausea but it includes what I mentioned above. I saw a gastroenterologist and he's doing some tests but my mom brought up inner ear issues so I've gone to see an ENT and will be having tests for inner ear as well.
The most important thin I want you to know is IT'S NOT IN YOUR HEAD! You are having real symptoms and you deserve validation that despite being young and healthy something physically can be off.
vn4526 nat55834
Nope, no dizziness or ear issues. My vision is naturally pretty bad, but I didn't notice anything unusual.
And thank you for the reassurance! It's nice to hear that after months of self criticism.
emily5513 vn4526
vn4526 emily5513
My doctor said I don't need an endoscopy because from his experience, usually nothing shows up given my age and demographics. He and the RN both dismissed H pylori saying that it's uncommon and there isn't a risk factor of my getting it.
Everything is so frustrating...
Thank you for your words
emily5513 vn4526
Oops I missed that part in your original post. Maybe a second opinion? It is frustrating when a doctor won't take you seriously because of your age.
mary19068 vn4526
Going back to the milk it may have had some bacteria in it that may have caused you to have Stomach Candida which will cause you continual nausea. I suggest you have a urine test for yeast as this may be causing the vaginal itching. Also, get a stool test that may show Candida. I recommend you take probiotics to balance your gut flora because the bad bacteria you may have ingested from the milk may have killed off some of your good stomach bacteria. Also, eat prebiotic foods check them online. Make an appointment for the utine and stool tests for stomach Candida.....
pippa58442 vn4526