Stomach problems for quite some time

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Hi. Im 13 years old. Please excuse my not-so-good english. And sorry that this will be long

I never had stomach problems, until past 5 months.

I thought i have IBS, which i probably have too, as i had problems with constipation, and many other IBS symptoms. 23.4. i started experiencing something similar. Nausea, all day long, burning sensation in my mouth,i was really tired all the time, when i had empty stomach at night, nausea was even worse, one night i almost vomitted ( very horryfying scenario, emethophobic right here) and had chills. Next day i home checked my blood pressure. It was low, and i thought.. maybe all the nausea and everything is because of low blood pressure. So I went to a doctor again, she measured my blood pressure, everything in norm, and again she said it is probably flu. . I went to gluten and lactose free diet to try, if it isn't allergy. first day was really good, every symptom went away. second too. But the 3 as i had constipation, i used suppository ( only softener ). Didnt help for the next  3 hours and as it was night, I went to bed. But then i woke up from sleep, and i had really bad cramps, and i was shaking like crazy. Suppository started to work, but with these unpleasant effects. Yesterday ( day after i used it ), i had stomach ache pretty much all day, and with every meal i had ( i wasnt even hungry but i didnt wanted to not eat all day ) it got worse, and i was bloated, and I had like dull pain in midlle center of my belly . This night i couldn't sleep well, every 2 hours i would wake up with stomachache. Morning was better, but still i didnt feel much hungry, breakfast was fine. snack before lunch too, but when i was eating lunch, i liked that food soo much, but, i was kinda ''full'' quickly. Much more quickly than i normally am. And after I've eaten, i felt so full, and bloated, and like if the food was sitting in my stomach ... like heavy feeling. But it didnt go away even after 4 hours. Now when im writing this, it was 6-7 hours. Still feeling not that bloated and full, but often i felt hungry after so many hours, but now not. 

Im wondering, what it could be. Is it only because i've recently switched my diet to gluten and lactose free? Or it could be something worse.. Im really worried. sad

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    You will need couple of tests before we can come to conclusion.

    To start with complete blood test.. possible endoscopy and then move from there.

    It could be food could well be parasite.... but without further tests nobody will wild guess...

    Go back to gp and demand further checks... take your parents on board. And do not worry....its most likely something simple...anxiety will not help you either way.

    As to your question gluten free / lactose free diet is benefitial and you could suffer from temporary withdrawal... but to what extend i cant say.... again my advise is to seek further medical assistance.

    Best of luck

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       I was thinking about blood test/endoscopy too. I'll go as soon as possible. Thanks

  • Posted

    As you are only 13 I suggest that you speak to your parents. Unless it was a typo and you are over 18
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      Yes, i am only 13. Problem is that my mom is ''sure'' that its only because of my change in diet. I'll let her know. Thanks

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      I don't know where you are living but here in the UK a child under the age of 16 has to be accompanied by a parent or guardian when visiting a doctor. The best thing you can do is get your mother or father to arrange a GP appointment as soon as possible.

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    Diet change can upset your stomach until it gets used to it.  However, see your doctor again to verify your symptoms.
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    Your condition has come to a point where you must go to a hospital emergency room immediately.
  • Posted

    You need to go back to the dr. But do so with your parents. We all have health issues, but you are lucky to be 13 and your parents could help. Talk with them and go to the dr. It is not alright to be constipared so young. Focus on your diet. Add as much veggie as you can. The cramps are from the tablet you took. They should stop after 2 days. Try not taking them and find a more natural way to get rid of constipation.

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