Stomach pronlems
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Hi everyone I put up here yesterday about really bad stomach reflux. It's been really bad with my anxiety, but after years of trying to find out what flares it up I have found out it's chocolate, so no more chocolate for me. But thank you to everyone that advices me on what could help it xx
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Lotti1966 karen77710
karen77710 Lotti1966
lynda20916 karen77710
Lotti1966 lynda20916
Everything I love😣
lynda20916 Lotti1966
Poor you! I can have chocolate, but no more Italian food, or cream based sauces. No more "cruciferous" veggies. Can have a bit of ice cream if I feel llike living dangerously...
Lotti1966 lynda20916
I have found though that drinking a lil bit of coca cola with Italian food helps with the digestion...we find a way😉
karen77710 Lotti1966
karen77710 lynda20916
I love chocolate I'm a chocolic lol xx
lynda20916 Lotti1966
lynda20916 karen77710
I do like chocolate, lots, but I guess I could go without if I had to. I keep small dark chocolate squares on hand and have one or two a day. Sometimes I also make myself hot cocoa with 2% lactose free organic milk. But I can't over do it!
karen77710 lynda20916
It's a bummer really isn't it xx
tmpearce karen77710
Hi Karen,
So glad you figured it out! I suffer from acid reflux too and chocolate is also a bad one for me. Chocolate has something in it that relaxes the valve between our esophagus and stomach so that it doesn't close completely, causing acid from the stomach to back up into the esophagus.
Tomato based products, caffeine, high fat foods, and highly processed carbs such as white breads, and sugars also do it for me.
karen77710 tmpearce
Hi yer I carnt eat white bread or fatty foods. It's a nightmare really to what you can eat. I also know my anxiety plays a big part of it to x
tmpearce karen77710
karen77710 tmpearce
Yer mines health anxiety, wake up every morning with a different illness lol. It's a nightmare x
lynda20916 karen77710
Hi, Karen,
Have you looked at the FODMAP diet? It's available on line and is actually a list of foods that are suppossed to be non-reactive.
I do best on a low residue diet, which is different. But I can also eat some things, such as white bread. Everybody's different.
natallia04776 karen77710
Hi Karen 😉that's me! OMG I got up with an idea that something is very bad because I have been spoting between the periods since March. Even my head is saying that by now would be other symptoms if it would be something I still keep reading Doctor Google and going crazy. 😕
Blessings x
karen77710 lynda20916
Hi lynda no I haven't but will go online later and have a look. Thanks for that information x
lynda20916 karen77710
You're welcome. I found it in a printable form. Good luck to you!
karen77710 lynda20916
karen77710 natallia04776
I'm terrible, I google everything, my dr goes mad with me about it x