Stomach tumor

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I got an endoscopy a year ago and they found a large mass, so they took a biopsy and said the tumor Is benign.

They also diagnosed me with antral gastritis and after the scope I got a Ct scan and my spleen is a little big not much though. I never got prescribed any medication and never got told the tumor should be removed so it's been a year and have been in so much pain since then. I'm bloated and my stomach gets extended, I'm nauseous every morning and constipated a lot if not I have the runs. I just recently started to look up benign stomach tumors and the web says they should be removed bc it can turn into cancer.

What should I do? My doctors acts like it's no big deal then made it a big deal back too it's no big deal. He's like bipolar on the subject. From having no concern to being worried and back and forth 🤷🏻???

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    You should demand for it to get removed, then. Benign tumors don't turn into cancer. Malignant tumors are the ones you should worry about for cancer, which you weren't told it was malignant. So I suggest getting a different doctor if your current one doesn't want to help you. Benign or not, it's still dangerous to have a tumor/cyst. I had a two benign ovarian tumors and my doctors didn't want to wait for it to be removed because of the possibility of the big one bursting inside of me (not trying to scare you).

    But for your gastritis, through trial and error, you'll find the foods that trigger flare ups. Hopefully once the tumor gets removed, most of your problems go away and you'll only be left to treat your gastritis. You should ask for a PPI. You'll only need to take it for a few weeks to get your stomach to heal and hopefully the inflammation disappears.

    I hope everything gets a bit better soon smile

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply, I have a appointment tomorrow with a new doctor. What is a PPI?
    • Posted

      A PPI is a Proton Pump Inhibitor. It blocks the proton pump signals in your stomach to create the amount of stomach acid it produces and decreases it for the day. It's to be taken 30 minutes to an hour in the morning before eating anything. You can drink anything with it like water or juice.

      The decrease in acid will help the walls of your stomach heal back up.

  • Posted

    I would see someone else and push to have this tumour removed  It may help to relieve your symptoms. Perhaps think about going private. 
    • Posted

      I saw a new doctor today, he seems really nice and more understandable. He explained the tumor is more of a lesson and they actually couldn't get a clear biopsy on it but if it was cancerous then it would of been tender and easy to grab. He might still want to remove it but first he wants to do more test first and said after blood test and seeing if any results show up there then he will prescribe me protonix.

    • Posted

      Hopefully you can get clearer answers after your tests.

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