stomach ulcers

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I wrote on this site a month or so ago suffering from what I thought was acid reflux. I have been on 20mg twice daily of omeprazole for approximately 8 weeks and my symptoms continued to come and go. I had an endoscopy done last Monday and saw the specialist yesterday who says I have multiple stomach ulcers! He has put me on 30mg of lansoprazole and I have to go back for a repeat endoscopy in six weeks time. There is no h.pylori and I don't take aspirin/ibuprofen etc so he says the ulcers have been caused by stress. My main concern is why the omeprazole haven't healed the ulcers. He says that the ppis only reduce the acid and that the underlying cause ie stress has to be addressed. I am a very anxious person who continually searches the net for information which is making everything worse. My poor husband doesn't know what to do with me. I feel so depressed and don't know how I'm going to get through this. Any help and advice from fellow sufferers would be greatly appreciated. How do you turn off your brain?

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4 Replies

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    Wow, its a tough one, l,m sure others will all give advice on what works for them. l can be a worrier, my son says l,m like a sponge, soak up friends neighbours world affairs problem,s, but some things you cant put right, beyond your control, yuo can only change things where you have some control over them. l also think the media is double edged, not just net, also tv puts on too much negative worrying things, and l dont believe we should put our head in the sand, if others can suffer it we should be able to acknowledge that, but reality is bad at times, l can look on someone,s fb page and see a film about a pet being or been horribly abused and suffering, pics stay in my mind, thats without looking for things, just chance. If looking for things its far worse, be it war attrocaties or child abuse, Years ago my cousin lost both his parents within 6month of each other, they late 50s, he only a teen, as was i so asked him how he coped, l,d both my parents and thought of losing one terrible, he said `you push it to back of your mind`, sounds simple but many have to do that to keep some normality and postativeness,  but lm not sure if you mean generally or just health probs. Its probable you did have acid thats caused or aggrevated ulcers, some people get acid and arent particularly anxious, and not given a reason for it, whilst many probs put down to stress anxiety by docs, but if you think the omprazole have eased symptoms you maybe do just need a higher dose to keep improving and healing, along with a plain diet, which is also important, l stopped using ready meals, tinned stuff, also went off dairy,milk,eggs,cheese, stuck to pots, veg, rice, pasta, chicken fish, fries hash browns baked, cereal biscuits, spring water.  Stopped taking regular anti bs prescribed as preventative, keep pain killers to minimul, just take  essential meds, and 20m omprazole, and it has settled things 90percent, still there, still flares a bit at times,

    Has the dr suggested anything to help, anti depressants, cognative,

    some use yoga, others meditation, there,s a lot of info advice on gastritus thread with dietry and supplaments, l,m sure you can get through it with support, keep posative best you can and keep hope going for better times.

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      Thanks for your kind reply. Like you, if I see any cruelty towards animals on Facebook it stays with me for days. I get so angry and upset. I am going to try CBT again which I've used in the past. I took antidepressants for a while but stopped taking them about 18 months ago because I put on weight. Needless to say the weight hasn't come off (I'm 60 years old). My GP has said I can't take any antidepressants at the moment because they increase the amount of acid you produce so I shall have to manage without them. I have to try to find a more positive mind set. I have some very dear friends and a loving husband and daughter so I have so much to be thankful for. Let's hope the lansoprazole works better than the omeprazole. I so want to get my life back on track but feel so bogged down with depression I'm not sure how to move forward.
    • Posted

      l know the feeling of being bogged down generally, or in a rut, not hard when youve a chronic illness, just more of a battle, l keep having to kick myself. lve sons, 2, and dont see them as much as l,d like, but theyve their own lives, the old saying about sons and daughters, but theyre good lads and there if needed.  Youve another thing to be grateful for, your younger than l am, and l,m sure you know when you get older every year counts, l dont know how much difference between lan and omp, perhaps stronger, sure some on here have used it and will get back to you. Everything takes time with meds, and gps, all of it, but best wishes.
  • Posted

    Hi Liz. I've had stomach probs for years on and off, 72 now. I take Omeprazole 20 mg one daily. Also watch what I eat more nowdays. No fry ups, oily fatty foods, pastry or cakes, alcohol or not very often! These are the worst things and as we get older our bodies change so we don't tolerate things in the same way we used to. I've also been taken off anti inlflammatory tabs (for OA) as they cause stomach upsets and acid reflux. Recently I was prescribed Amytriptylene as part of pain control for arthritis instead of them but am now putting weight on and having indigestion problems again! As for stress, family stuff can't be erased but adult children have to learn to deal with things and live their own lives as we did. I turn the news off if I can't deal with it, there's so much bad news lately and there's nothing I personally can do to help so I leave to those who can!! All this might sound callous but we have to put our own health and welfare first, before all else or we're no use to anyone. Charity begins at home for me now. Look after your health now and it pays off later. Also, I take about a 100-150 mgs of live Greek yogurt daily, at each meal. It helps digestion and puts back the good bacteria in your gut which has been killed off by medications like anti biotics. Hope you soon recover, just take care of yourself for awhile and see how it goes. One day at a time! Best wishes, Ellie UK

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