Stopped evoril conti and now I can't stop light bleeding

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I started evoril conte about three months ago and my dr told me to come off of it as I shouldn't be getting breakthrough bleeding, but since I've come off of it, I've been bleeding for 2 weeks just lightly, and it's not stopping, it's ridiclious especially when I hadn't had periods for 2 years, I don't know what is going on, does anyone else know

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Louise 

    bless you hun..

    I would 'think' what is going on is ....... your hormones are all over the place..

    if you went from not having a period for two years.. ( guessing here) you would of been post menopause

    then you boosted your hormones back up and all is now up in the air..

    then stopped HRT so same thing, now your body is adjusting again ..

    it will take time for the body to accept HRT and adjust to that ..

    and it will take time for the body to adjust to you stopping the HRT which your doctor has told you to do..


    jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay yes I thought that and now I'm wondering whether to go on something else but I don't really want to mess around with my body anymore, otherwise like you've said, my hormones are going to be everywhere  x
    • Posted


      i had a natural peri of almost 10 years.. post meno for one year..

      but... i now use Ovestin Estriol vaginal cream... 

      its the kinder oestrogen ... doesnt affect the uterine wall.. or breast...

      recommended by my Gyno for post meno... 

      i only use it twice weekly and only half the dose... 

      it just keeps the vaginal dryness at bay and bucks me up abit 😀

      hope you feel better soon, it will take about three months plus for you to get back to original pre HRT hormone levels i would imagine 😏

      jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      went to the dr that put me on hrt patch tonight and he said not to worry as it's just a routine scan just to make sure I don't have endometrial cancer but he's sure I don't as I feel so well, and he's said not to worry as it can be treated anyway. I don't feel ill and it's only because of the hormones of the patch so now I'm not going to stop worrying until Monday x

    • Posted

      Hi Louise 

      so are you back on same patches again..

      The body will take time to adjust .. He only let you use them three months and thats not long at all to get into rhythm hormone wise ..

      so maybe this time will be okay and settle after time.. 

      Lost you with the scan ? Do you mean your having one ... 

      i can give you an idea of my uterine wall thickness for when he tells you yours ... I am post menopause just over one year ... All was confirmed via a scan, vaginal scan, that showed uterine wall and ovaries ... I havent taken HRT as had a natural peri ..

      i was told my uterine wall was a normal 4 mm post menopause, ovaries were now non functioning no follicles .. my gyno also said my uterine wall may thin abit more yet.. 

      So thats what mine is no HRT ..

      i only started the vaginal ovestin estriol after the vaginal scan..

      and very minimally and half the amount .. Estriol being the most gentle option for me personally.

      Remember that fact sheet on the evoril conte said spotting etc in first few months i think  didn't it ...  

      Good luck sweetie ..

      jay xx


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