Stopping flecainide
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been on Flecaine 150mg daily for 3 months. Have PAF and no episodes since on drug. However, before drug only had short episode (hour or two) every month or so and felt perfectly normal before/after. Here's the thing, I'm starting to feel awful on the drug. Dreadful digestion problems, horrid dragging/hollow feeling in my chest, heart pounding and occasionally feel panicky, as though going to have asthma attack. Could reduce to 100mg a day, but inclined to stop drug altogether and see how I go. Episodes less problematic than drug. Has anyone out there just stopped taking it outright? Any side effects? Or anyone weaned off by missing doses, etc.?Thanks.
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GotAbitBetter jane67417
Do you take Flecainide in conjunction with any other heart medication? I was on Flecainide & Bisoprol but now only on Bisoprolol.
Please don't do anything without medical advice, Jane, but suggest you see your Cardiologist or GP to discuss the situation.
jane67417 GotAbitBetter
marilynSF jane67417
Hi Jane, I've ben on Flecaine also for about 3 months. Before, I was having Afib everyday, usually at night. And even after other medications, it would take several hours before the Afib would go away. It was a terrible existence. Since taking Flecaine, i have had NO Afib. This to me has been remarkable. Having said that, the side effects to me are mainly tiredness for a couple of hours after taking it. It might give me constipation but I really think that diet plays a greater role. Eating more fiber and veggies, and less meat is better for me. I have been taking it once in the early afternoon and then once usually an hour before bedtime, each time with 100 mg. So I'm wondering if you should try reducing your dosage, and maybe try my two-a-day schedule? Keep us posted on your progress. Good luck!
jane67417 marilynSF
marilynSF jane67417
Okapis jane67417
How about discussing a pill in the pocket strategy using Flecainide with your doctor.
Dont take them all the time but only take a dose as you feel an episode arrive 2/3 tablets. I was once told I could take up to 6 x100mg tabs that way.
Most of us recognise the start of an episode altho'it does depend on the type of heart beat irregularity. My brother (a doc) taught me to feel the vein in my neck to check the beat. Quite handy. Make sure you are taking an anti-coagulant to prevent a stroke!
jane67417 Okapis
Thanks. Yes, I'm thinking about that. Think it would be a good option for me. Am taking blood thinner - more important than anything I reckon. Thanks again .
kate07761 jane67417
Agree with lots of suggestion here. Worth discussing them with the consultant for sure. I have become a wreck with fatigue since going back on meds but I don't know which one is the problem apixaban/flecanide/bisoprol but suspect Flec.
If you could control AF with pop a pill that would be great.
If they feel you must stay on Flec my consultant changed mine to 50 x 3 a day but that means taking 6am/2pm/10pm so its a spread in 24 hours and I found that difficult so now take 75mg x twice a day but it is fiddly to cut them in half!
There are alternative drugs (not tried) like Solotol but I would guess they all have side effects. If you could manage with pop a pill that sounds like the best option. Good Luck but worth pursuing with consultant.