Stopping Mert Cold Turkey

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Ive decided enough is enough and i want off this drug now! Ive been on it for prob about 5weeks - 4weeks on 15mg and 1week on 30mg. Im wondering how bad the withdrawl will be when ive only taken them for 5 weeks...or should i be bracing myself for a bumpy ride?!

Any advice much appreciated! Thanks

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    [b:c7cc57a946]Hi! Just wondered why you have decided to come off Mirt? I have been on it for about 9 weeks now and really don't feel myself - have had depressive feelings I never had before!! Really want to come off but really scared of all the withdrawal horror stories!! Let me know how you get on. Take care.[/b:c7cc57a946]
  • Posted

    Hi there!

    I just felt awfull...i ballooned in weight putting on nearly two stone in 5 weeks. My cheeks and hands were belly! Very uncomforatble. I couldnt go to the loo properly (pass no2's) i had room spin every 10min, i was irritable and p'eed off with everyone around me for no reason. And my god the night sweats!! I feel ok ish after stopping them cold turkey apart from today im fighting the urge to be sick. Just been to docs and been put on so here i go again with another one! Starting to wonder if they are worth it.

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    In addition to the did nothing for my mood. Felt like i was taking sugar pills BUT with all the side effects!
  • Posted

    For me, this is the worst drug I have been on. The tiredness was beyond belief and I also felt such rage. I was losing my balance and from being moderately depressed I felt utter despair and suicidal. I also had continuous noises in my head. I stopped the drug suddenly, I couldn’t tolerate any more, but I had only been on it a week. I know many people have very different experiences from mine, but mine was a horrible one! By the way, my GP did say I did the right thing by stopping it.
  • Posted

    [quote:ac8766c1d0=\"triciamar\"]For me, this is the worst drug I have been on. The tiredness was beyond belief and I also felt such rage. I was losing my balance and from being moderately depressed I felt utter despair and suicidal. I also had continuous noises in my head. I stopped the drug suddenly, I couldn’t tolerate any more, but I had only been on it a week. I know many people have very different experiences from mine, but mine was a horrible one! By the way, my GP did say I did the right thing by stopping it.[/quote:ac8766c1d0][b:ac8766c1d0]I'm finding it hard to think back to what I was like prior to taking any medication. I went to the doctors with what I thought was something wrong with my heart. Turns out it was anxiety and he threw a box of Citalopram at me!! These nearly gave me a nervous breakdown - major panick attacks, insomnia and did not eat for a week!!! On going back to my doctors he prescribed Mirtazapine for the insomnia and to get my appetite back (something I didn't have before), and took me off the Citalopram. I only took Mirtazapine for a month (half a tablet) and stopped. Three weeks later I must have suffered some sort of withdrawal - strong anxiety, so started taking them again. Since starting them again 9 weeks ago I have not felt myself - blurred vision, feeling scared and depression. My CPN doesn't seem to think it is the tablets - so I must be losing my marbles!!! I don't know what to do - scared of feeling like this or risk feeling worse!!! Sertraline was a drug mentioned to me but to be honest the thought of trying something else petrifies me!! Wish I could turn the clock back and not have taken anything!!![/b:ac8766c1d0]
  • Posted

    Hi all,especially TaDah.....

    I went 'cold turkey' because I really wasn't myself on these drugs. I noticed an immediate improvement the morning after stopping the first night. Like you, I was on the same amount of Mirt...but did reduce back to 15mcg the preceding week. 11 days later and I feel like bouncing off the walls! All my energy is back..I no longer feel like I want an afternoon 'nap' and honestly feel like life is for living again. Just be certain that your 'depression' has already been helped...what works for one does not necessarily mean the same for all...good luck. :P[color=darkred:aa1c493c6e][/color:aa1c493c6e]

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