Stopping Propranolol 40mg

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I'm taking 40mg tablets twice daily, because it helps my symphtoms for anxiety. Its been about 6 - 7 months on them and I want to come off them because it slows me down too much. I dont want to lower my dose, I just want to be free of taking medication. But the problem is I have really high anxiety when I dont take them. Will I ever feel normal off them again, or is taking propranolol the only way I can get through life without physical symphtoms sad


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Maybe try some counseling? I actually love propranolol and don't find it slows me down. Perhaps try lowering the dose? I don't think its a bad thing being on bbs but talk to your doctor maybe x
    • Posted

      Ps I meant to say I take 20 mg twice a day

    • Posted

      The side effects are outweighing the helpful effects so staying on this drug is really ruining my day to day life!
  • Posted

    Hi,  you can be free from anxiety and i am sure you are probably sick of hearing this but you should probably try counselling.  I was on propanalol for 9 months (i took one tablet of 40mg daily) and i had minor withdrawal effects when i came off them and ive been free from anxiety for around 8 weeks.  I think that if you are to really make progress things which helped me were daily exercise and counselling.  After 3 sessions i felt completely better (i got free counselling through my uni) i would also have to mention CBT did not help me at all so find the counselling that works for you.  Another thing which helped me was praying and eventually I got better and so can you.  The thing about anxiety it comes and goes and i know how horrible it can be physically and mentally but honestly you can and you will get better.  Don't let your anxiety trap you into the false belief you can't get better.  The physical symptoms do go away with anxiety as over time the anxiety decreases.  I would say be clever and recognise your triggers.  Anxiety is just rubbish in general.   No matter what you think you don't need propanalol to make you feel normal, you can feel normal without it.  see your GP and see what he suggests smile i hope you are ok and remember that you are not alone. 
    • Posted

      I think this is a fabulous reply.  You said everything I am thinking.  I would agree with slowly tapering off this medication, even if you have to cut the pills in half.  Sometimes it can take a few weeks to allow your body to recover.

      I am down to one 20mg tablet at bedtime, however I mostly take the propranolol for migraine/anxiety.  Prayer has been my way of coping with the feelings of anxiety - and I have brainwashed myself to realize that "it is just a feeling."  Not to mimize your anxiety, I truly understand how it can be crippling sometimes.  Just keep fighting through it and try to find a good counselor to help - it won't be forever.

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