Stopping taking HRT
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I have been on HRT for 9 years and am aged 57. Today my doctor advised me to stop taking my tablets due to potential health risks. However, I am fit and healthy, weigh 9stone 7 so am not overweight, go to a gym 3 times a week as well as garden most days. I feel HRT keeps me well and my lifestyle keeps me healthy and fit - surely I am a minimal risk. Nothing I have read on this website convinces me to give up and, I should point out, my GP told me to look at this, can anyone convince me giving up is a good idea and, if so, what is the best way to do so .... Gradually?at the end of the packet?
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frankie63934 heather40361
marilyn64827 heather40361
sheryl37154 marilyn64827
Everyone is different and the 'natural' way will not work for all of us, and will cause us very bad health not having enough oestrogen in our bodies. Women with big hips and thighs seem to be able to retain oestrogen in their fat but those that don't have fat in those areas, need oestrogen supplements to keep healthy.
If 'natural' works for someone, please don't expect it to work for all.
marilyn64827 sheryl37154
sheryl37154 marilyn64827
However, after 6 weeks when I should have recovered from surgery I felt I was getting worse with fatigue and aches and pains. 9 years later, I stepped sideways and one of my hips broke up. I was finally diagnosed with Haemochromatosis. I started loading iron as soon as I stopped menstruating. I ended up having both hips replaced and now have lots of medical issues because of the iron damage to my organs.
If it has not already been done, ask your dr for an Iron Studies test and get a copy so that you can examine it yourself. If your ferritin iron level and your TS% is high you most likely have haemochromatosis (a genetic test is then required to confirm) - that is usually the genetic disorder which causes arthritis (among other things). Trouble is the treatment won't reduce the arthritis now that the damage has occurred but it may stop any other problems from getting worse.
I wonder if your dr even cares about what their personal opinion did to your life. There is still no research that confirms definitely that hrt causes breast cancer. When one study says there is a risk, another says there is not. There are many young women who do not take hrt who get breast cancer. You are more likely to die from heart disease without oestrogen.
So Heather, do what is best for you, not what others reckon you should do.
Chrisy heather40361
BellaRubia heather40361
Best wishes