Strange abdominal discomfort - upper left quadrant + Ulcerative Colitis
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I'm going to try to keep this short.
Background: I have Ulcerative Colitis which I've had for 7 years. I've been in full remission for the last 3 years since I started on Pentasa. In that time I've only had to take Prednisone once or twice, which is great!
But my issue is, even when I'm in remission, every now and then I have these horrible feelings in my upper left intestine. Sometimes it feels like a gnawing hunger which increases after meals, other times it's like a chest tightness (I know it's not heart or lung related, I'm 24, slim and healthy and it feels more abdominal in origin anyway).
When it gets bad, I take a PPI for a few days or a week, and it seems to help gradually, but it's very uncomfortable for that entire week feeling a mixture or combination of tightness, bloating, hunger, fullness, a bit of nausea etc. Sometimes I'll get mucus before my stool and a lot of gas which creates loud bowel sounds, but it never seems to escalate into a flare up of my Ulcerative Colitis, which makes me think it may not be the cause.
What I think it could be:
Helicobacter pylori
Ulcerative Colitis symptoms
GERD (not likely in my opinion, as it's far too sporadic)
Anyone else feel the same symptoms?
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holly_12500 ibis27668
I was getting simular , I went to hospital and had investigations.prescribed 3 different antibiotics but couldn't take them, so was given emsomeprazola and gaviscon it really help.
I would go see your GP and see what she/ thinks.
sometimes we worry about going to see gp but if you are worried about your health and not very well as you are, I would go and if you feel you need to see a specialist ask.
you could also call to a chemist and ask pharmacist.
They can give you lots of advice.
hope all goes well
ibis27668 holly_12500
I did see my GP and he didn't seem to care or thought I was being a hypochondriac, but he prescribed me pantoprazole because I said it had helped in the past. I took it last time I had an episode of this illness, but after the pain went away I stopped taking it and was fine for maybe 8 months. Now it's back again... Should I just treat it the same way?
I don't like taking antibiotics because they can make my UC flare up and I've also had horrible systemic candida infections in the past due to antibiotics.
holly_12500 ibis27668
nataliefranc ibis27668
nataliefranc ibis27668
Mafaldita ibis27668
the more I know/read the more I realize there have not been much investigation about this issues, I feel Drs. dont have the answer....
When I experience this symptons I get the heating pad, eat soups and rice, I take ibuprofen, and glicerin supositories to help my system move....