Strange ache in knee cap
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Hi, I'm Andrew and I'm only 13 but for as long as I can remember, ever since I was a baby I would get this weird ache in my knee cap. It isn't constant, it only lasts around an hour or so and then disappears and It might happen two days in a row or I might not get it for a month.
The best way I could describe it is like a mix between a headache and the weird feeling you get when you hit your funny bone (other people have described a burning sensation and I can kind of see where they are coming from), concentrated to what feels like just beneath the knee cap. My mom used to pass it off as "growing pains" but I know better as it only occurs in my right knee. It isn't enough to make me unable to walk, just awkward and uncomfortable. What could this be?
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icecool andrewleader02
The dr can order a MRI scan to exclude conditions.
andrewleader02 icecool
nah it doesn't really affect me in any way, just kind of annoying. thanks for the advice
Knewneeh andrewleader02
Mr. Andrew I would say it's a good time to see an Orthopedic for young adults. Maybe you could mention this to your mom. I will still be here in this forum if you want to reach out to me. Please do. Waiting your response..., EV
andrewleader02 Knewneeh
Grand, thanks. I'll try and see what's in my area.
icecool andrewleader02
I am a mum of four , all grown up now !
I am also a retired nurse.
I am going to be blunt now with you.
You need to get your knee checked out.
There are a number of conditions that this ache may be, note the word may be due to. You must get it checked out. Now Andrew I do not normally tell peopl what to do bcause it can get their backs up and people then retalite by difgging their heels in.
Have u been vaccinated and if so have u been vaccinated against TB?
Now someione nghere advised that you ee a paediatruician. I owuld second that BUT also you need t see an ORTHOPAEDIC surgeon. If u go to A and E and depending on how good they are they should refer you on. Things change and that may not be the case nowadays.
oTHER options are as follows. Book an appointment with a private physio, some offer free initial consyultations Considering your age and therefore presumably aa non wage earner a kindly physio nmay see u privately for NOTING!
Another option is to ring the surgery to enquire if they have an in house physiotherapist, that may get the ball riolling. another option is to tell the school nurse or head of pastoral care.
I worked as a nurse in a Student Health and then also at a boarding school so I know that people in certain age groups have problems. What do your parebnt(s) say about this? Anyway it is your knee. At some point which u already are and that is being acknowledged and applauded you have to take responsibility for our own health.
I would start a diary listing signs and symptoms nd if related to exercise, sports, diet etc etc.
Do you use a laptop? Are u huddled over it resting it on your knee for xample/
Are u living at home or a boarder?
andrewleader02 icecool
Hey thanks, yeah this was very helpful, a few notes:
1.I am not sure if I have the TB vaccination but I do know that I just missed a chance to get vaccinated from my school who were doing vaccinations one day due to my tremendous fear of needle.
2:yeah i do have a latop and it would be resting on my knee
3:I live at home and my school doesnt actually have a nurse
but other than that, this was good advice and I've already told my mom about how these replies seem to be quite urgent. Thanks!
icecool andrewleader02
You sound as though you are in the US. If so then I assume u have to pay for healthcare .So perhaps you are therefore dependant on the co oeration or conent of a parent beforre seeking/receiving health care.
However u do stillneed to be checked out by a dr. Tell me what does your monm do. Woulld ulike one of us to speak/write o her. Get checked out. Aree you the only child? Hope u don't mind these questions?
andrewleader02 icecool
I'm actually living in Ireland, so healthcare is free. I'll talk with my mom, she can set something up with whoever I need. She is actually a vet so she has some medical background.
kat1e andrewleader02
Hi Andrew,
My knee started hurting around you age and I was also told it was just growing pains. Then at 16 I saw the doctor again who wasn't overly concerned and did nothing. As the years went by I found that I could bear the painful days as there were many more good days than bad. Back then doctors were gods and we didn't tend to challenge what they said. Times have changed so I suggest you ask your doc for a referral to see a specialist. Least that way you'll know truely if it's someyhing or nothing. Good luck :-)
icecool kat1e
OConnor andrewleader02
Andrew, everyone is giving you good advice. From my perspective, if you can't get the services of an ortho guy without a lot of referral stuff to go through, a simple Xray ordered by your primary care doctor will start you on your way. If your patella is mal formed or something, it will show and your "growing pains" will be justified by science. I, too , remember the folks telling me my pain was just growing pain and later I learned that our bones do grow only on the tips not in the middle, so why not when the femur and tibia are kind of joined there in your right knee. But you are very astute (look it up). Your left knee is not hurting. Is it not growing too? You are tough, I can tell and very special. Keep at it, maybe you will become a doctor someday.
icecool andrewleader02
Hello Andrew
I am a mum of four , all grown up now ! I am also a retired nurse.
I am going to be blunt now with you.
You need to get your knee checked out.
There are a number of conditions that this ache may be, note the word may be due to. ALL treatable with good prognosis.
You must get it checked out. Now Andrew I do not normally tell people what to do bcause it can get their backs up and people then retaliiate , myself included, by digging their heels in.
Have u been vaccinated and if so have u been vaccinated against TB?
Now someone on here gave very good advice indeed by advising you to see a paediatrician. I would second that BUT also you need to see an ORTHOPAEDIC surgeon.
The paediatrician can refer you to the orthopod as we call them in the trade!
If u go to A and E and depending on how good they are they may refer you on. Things change and that may not be the case nowadays.
Other options are as follows.
Book an appointment with a private physio, some offer free initial consultations Considering your age and therefore presumably a non wage earner a kindly physio may see u privately for NOTHING!
Another option is to ring the surgery to enquire if they have an in house physiotherapist, that may get the ball rolling. Another option is to tell the school nurse or head of pastoral care.
I worked as a nurse in a Student Health and then also at a boarding school so I know that people in certain age groups have problems. What do your parent(s) say about this?
Anyway it is your knee. At some point which u already are and that is being acknowledged and applauded you have to take responsibility for our own health.
I would start a diary listing signs and symptoms nd if related to exercise, sports, diet etc etc.
So go for it. Enlist the helpof a doctor.
Do you use a laptop? Are you huddled over it resting it on your knee?
Are u living at home or a boarder?