Strange dreams and thinking about past
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Hi, for the last half a year, when my symptoms changed from physical to psychical, I often have strange dreams. Not really nightmares, but not pleasant, very realistic dreams with a story. After I wake up I need some time to "recover" and start a day.
And also, I think about my life a lot, especially about my teenage years. It is almost like obsesive thinking: what I did, did not, was it right or not. I cannot change my life 40 years ago, so why I think about past so much?
Any ideas?
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maria_03422 lena53512
Hi Lena
I have the same thing happening to me lately..the dreams are so real that after waking up it will take some time to stop thinking about it..
Also I think about my life alots, and in my mind I go over events and conversations that had happened in the past.
I guess is all part of getting old
and we realizing how fast time goes!
sharcerv52408 lena53512
I thought I was the only one who did this. Lately, I've been having weird dreams involving people from my past. I've been rethinking choices I've made long ago. I've been remembering past relationships and wondering what my life would be like if I'd ended up with those individuals instead of my husband. It's maddening and obsessive sometimes. I try to put my mind on other things. But I didn't get like this until recently. It comes and goes.
Guest lena53512
Ha! I had my reply deleted! Is that coz I mentioned a text book that would be very helpful for all to know about.....especially in regards to menopause, dreams, 'reliving' the past and coming to terms with it....and general emotional growth we go through at this stage of our lives...!!
sharcerv52408 Guest
loretta63638 Guest
Hi ladies, thank for your comments.
Yes, it seems that it is a part of getting old , and I do not want to admit. I am afraid of getting old, that is true. There are some bad "role models" in my life, and I am afraid of being like them.
On the other hand, I do not want to be young again, and now I feel caught in some no-time. I cannot go further, and I cannot go back. It is mad.
maria_03422 lena53512
i'm the same way!!! it feels like you don't belong anywhere and feeling lost..
this week i'm dealing with the worst anxiety it's so scary that my blood pressure went up.. i'm trying to come down and not to thik negative things but it's so hard..