Strange feelings of detachment from self, and surrouding
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Just wondering if anyone else suffers with this as it is really creeping me out. I seems to happen more when I'm having a panic attack or really stressed. But I almost feel like my arms movements don't match up with me, or I'm not moving them, like I'm not controlling my movements almost. Like your not connected to your own body. Then my mind runs away at whirlwind pace unable to catch up with it, thinking every distressing wiered thought possible, worse case scenario that iv gone mad, feeling like am I in a dream, am I real, am I in some kind of weird bloody nightmare I'm stuck in and can't get out of, then I get terrified and adrenaline runs cold through my veins making my head think more bizzare wiered thought, and so the cycle escalates out of control and then I'm clenching my fingernails in the carpets grasping on to reality and praying with everything iv got that I HAV'NT lost my sanity and I will get through this and feel normal again.
This whole scenario sends fear and terror flooding my body and then terrified of when it might strike again.
Had anyone else had anything similar to what I have discribed...???
As I'm terrified this isn't a symptom of panic attacks or not to do with perimenopause.
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janet67521 RACHAEL2411
yes this is called depersonalisation, its a symptom of anxiety,panic and depression. also derealisation ,both scary to experience. ive had both.
your not going crazy. the more you fear it ,the more it happens.. you need to ground yourself by going and doing something, cleaning,or whatever. i suffered panic,anxiety and depression for years and thought i was going mad.. but believe me your not.
RACHAEL2411 janet67521
Thank you for your response. It really is reassuring to know others are going through or been through this also and come out the other side. As you do really start to believe your going crazy and you will never be normal again. So it really is and does have a calming effect that your not alone.
So thank you for everyone's response and support. This is a great site.
Thank you again x
vcas RACHAEL2411
Absolutely have had this too, I'm better at the moment and am sure it was linked to a generalised anxiety I was suffering.
RACHAEL2411 vcas
Thank you for replying and information. It all helps 😊
Bassilli RACHAEL2411
I can absolutely Tell You it is a manifestation of anxiety. I used to have these for years. I remember how terrifying it was. You will be fine.
RACHAEL2411 Bassilli
Thank you for your response. Yes it truly is terrifying, just praying it will be over soon and I can feel normal again. 😊
bev27429 RACHAEL2411
Hi Rachael,
Yes, this is totally perimenopause! I have looked at my hand and forearm and thought that it belonged to someone else, almost as though it was floating away from me. I have looked in the mirror, and it is almost as though I feel that a different person is looking back at me, even though I know it's me (if that makes any sense). I have also had weird thoughts and images flash through my mind - very bizarre and scary, and totally not me at all! For a long time, I couldn't believe that hormones could do this, but now I realize that they absolutely can!
You are not alone. So many women feel your distress and pain.
Sending you support and understanding:)
RACHAEL2411 bev27429
Thank you SO MUCH for your reply... It really does help knowing there are other women going through such weird horrendous felling and sensations. It truly is terrifying when it starts to happen. But also like you said iv questioned is it really hormones, could this really give me such scary thoughts and feelings. But it does seem to be women who get this more, so suggesting it is hormones. Just pray it will pass.
Thank you again for your kind support x
Vodlsabine RACHAEL2411
Oh Rachael, yes, I know these weird things. Been having them first time in my life. Never had any type of sickness, anxiety or Panik in my life. Now, with peri I've been experiencing them. I love the way you described these phenomenon... His the nail on its head! What helps? I wish I knew. I guess we'll all have to cry many times and ask whether we are mental after all until we're through this mess. Sometimes wonder whether i have some genetic mental thing and just never knew it. Oh, the fear! Just a while ago :aura. Couldn't see right. Had my boyfriend and friend call me and stay with me at the phone. Am deadly scared of suffering sudden stroke or death and nobody being there to save me! Today's program? Crying! Sorry for not being able to help. But you're not alone, trust me. Love, Bina
RACHAEL2411 Vodlsabine
Hi Bina,
Sorry to here of your suffering also. It really is horrible isn't it... 😕
Yes iv also done alot of crying thinking this is it, iv gone nuts, I'm never going to be better from this awful s**t!!! But everytime I seem to come round again. But its like your terrified of it happening again or wondering if the next time you won't recover. Then that sends chills and terror down your spine... 😱😰 But we just have to pray we will all be OK and we will make it and come out the other side to. It is very encouraging though to hear other people's stories and support on this site. It really is a life saver for alot of women I think. Just knowing your not alone, and others are having the same strange feelings also. And hearing it most likely is perimenopause and down to bloody hormones.
Let's just all keep supporting each other and sharing our stories. Knowing that we can help others on the way of our own journey also helps... 😊
Big hugs x
karen65574 RACHAEL2411
Hi racheal , i to have had these awful feelings of being out of my mind and feeling like im not here !!! its so scary , i lay on my sofa for a week a few weeks ago as i was consumed with weird feelings anxiety the lot , its so hard to deal with , i missed work did no housework , just could not function , it has lifted bot needed help with anxiety meds !! feeling a lot calmer and back 2 work , but i know it will rear its ugly head again , dealing with all this is so hard , should be something out there to help us brave women !!! because we are brave , its like a battle everyday , but we are all here for each other and that helps , just tell yourself you will get through this , because you will , we all will together xxx
victoria86074 RACHAEL2411
Yes I feel totally the same way! It's all anxiety related. Have you tried meditation? I do it every night & it's great! I drop off to sleep every time. I also see a therapist which has been very helpful. I also have problems concentrating when people speak to me especially if they are boring & drone on!!! Before this hell hit me, I could handle it but now, I lose my patience really quickly which is sooo not like me. Everyone at work knows I am going through the menopause because I have been very open about it. I think more women need to do this, it is not something to hide away, it's real, it causes women real symptoms & it needs more women to come forward to say they are suffering. It's a real awful thing for women. It needs more exposure , it is not something to hide away! I have been lucky, my work is so supportive but I know that not everyone's work place is like mine, it needs to change!!!!! Sending u massive hugs! U will get through this!! Xx
RACHAEL2411 victoria86074
Thanks for the reply 😊 sorry to hear you suffer with the same. It really is a horrible scary thing to deal with, along with all the other symptoms. 😔 I also get very impatient and irritable which gets me down...
Just pray we all get through these awful symptoms and feelings.. And are stronger for it. This site is a God send though, just talking to other women who have the same and can give advice and support to each other 😊 so grateful for it..
Big hugs back. X
theresa53424 RACHAEL2411
I'm 52 and will be turning 53 in April. I'm full blown Peri, I suffer from it all but the scariest part of Peri is what your describing. Worse feeling in the world, and I'm completely alone. I live a lone, I'm single, and this scares me more because I start thinking, what if I have a heart attack, and/or just loose my mind. I use to be that woman who was strong and didn't being alone, and now I'm terrified to be alone. If I have a friend visiting me I feel pretty good and happy but as soon as my friend(s) leave, within 15 minutes I'm having major anxiety and then I panic. This has become so debilitating that I now have developed Hypertension. I was rushed to ER last week. My blood pressure has always been normal, last Wednesday morning I woke up with anxiety, fearful thoughts, my heart was racing, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I laid down for a bit with extreme fatigue. I did all I could do to drive to work, once I got to work, "I work in the medical feild" I had once of the nurses check my Blood Pressure and it was 160/100, we rechecked it again an hour later and she gave me colodine ealier too to bring my BP down, when checked again it was 164/110. My PCP told me to get my ass to the ER and not to drive. My boss brought me, and within minutes the staff had me a room, IV, EKG, Head Cat Scan, Chest Xray, and by this time my BP went from 164/110 to 181/110. All my tests came back normal. Then my BP dropped so quicly down to 142/82. My eyes started rolling back and I just fell asleep while they monitored my BP. I'm so done! Another thing I have to worry about. I have no support either. My mother passed away 4 years ago and my Daughter who is 33 is just to selfish care what her mother is going through. I feel so alone and scarred all the freken time. 😦
RACHAEL2411 theresa53424
Hi Theresa so sorry to here about how your feeling. I know totally how you feel, and it is sooooo frigging horrible and terrifying.
I also get frightened of been on my own. I lost my husband 5yrs ago this April to spinal cancer. Lost him very suddenly 4months from finding out. I nursed him until the end, and saw him suffer so much. And was there when he passed away. So has really scared me. Since then I have developed panic attacks and my anxiety through the roof. So started getting more scary symptoms like the derealization, depersonalization, having scary weird freaky thoughts, really terrified I'm loosing my mind sometimes because of it. And my daughter has just moved to the Scilly Isles, so I'm finding it really hard to adjust and hate been alone also. I dread going home because of the thought of been alone, or the dark thoughts and doom and gloom coming over me, because it really scares me when it happens and I get panicky then thinking ill never get use to it, or I'll never get better, or will I always be alone, will I ever find someone to share my life with again and be happy.
So I know exactly how you feel... So your not alone.. ❤️ It is awful perimenopause because I think this definitely makes things 10times worse, the anxiety, panic etc.
Just got to pray we get through it and come out the other side 😊🙏
I only joined this site this week and its really good for support and just making you feel better as in you realise your not alone, and so many other women are going through the same or similar symptoms.
Keep strong, big hugs xx
beth54337 RACHAEL2411
I am so sorry you lost your husband and had to see him like that.Cancer is an awful disease.I had to watch my 2 yr old daughter suffer from chemo,surgery,radiation,and stem cell transplant.Thankfully by God's grace she lived,but I think going through these traumas causes peri to be so much worse.I too am scared to be alone.I used to love my alone time,now it terrifies me,my husband is gone fir 24hrs at a time,and I dread the night before and the day he is gone.I will pray for you and for all of us to get through this horrible nightmare.Sending hugs
God Bless,
RACHAEL2411 beth54337
Hi Beth thank you for your message.
Sorry to hear the awful uncertain time you must have gone through also with your daughter. Especially her been so young... It must of put years on you, I know I have aged since it all happened, I'm 46 next month but feel 76😔😕
Thank goodness she is OK now... 👌😊
I was the same, I never really thought about when I was on my own, you just got on with it... But now it is a real issue and I'm also terrified of been alone. It seems so weird how it can change so drastically from one to the other. Is this really perimenopause that can cause so many awful disabilitating symptoms...??
Big hugs to you xx