Strange headaches

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Have any of you had strange headaches . ?Occasionally I will have mild pains all around my head . Maybe over an eye then few min later the top then side ect. Just moves around . May last short time or several days .

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    weird headaches , migraines.. odd pains.. sudden stabbing pain.. had the lot. All are common in menopause. My migraines got really bad at one point and was having them most days with general headaches in between. But touch wood that now seems to have settled and just get them with hormone surges etc.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply. It's scary sometimes all these strange aches and pains of menopause.... never know if I should go to the doctor again or just wait . But I'm so glad that your symptoms sound like mine 😊

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    I had that a year ago. In the end I linked it to severe neck muscle tension as the doctor could not identify anything. When I treated my neck it went away. 
  • Posted

    Yes, I have had the exact same experience. The past 2 months have been all kinds of increased menopause symptoms but weird headaches have been coming and going as well.  I'm 2 days shy of 50 and all the symptoms of menopause seem to have amped upsad

  • Posted

    Hi I've had this type of thing too. Had it this week in fact. Feels like the side of my face/ head and ear are numb. I had it really bad last month, so much so, I thought I was having a stroke or had a tumour, horrid feeling. I went to a chiropractor and they said I had a lot of neck, muscle tension, due to stress . They say in Peri / menopause that a symptom is neck, ache and muscle tension in the neck. I take parceptamols and ibuprofen, used a hot pad and am concious of not tensing my shoulders. It's not been as bad this time round. Get a chiro to check it out. Good luck. Xx

    • Posted

      I too went to my Chiro and he said the same. After my adjustment I did feel somewhat better. The other day I rubbed some Massage oil and Young  Living essential oil "Panaway" along side of  my neck and up to behind my ear. It really seem to make a difference.

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      Hi Angie, what is Panaway? Can u get it in the UK, if so from where please. I use tiger balm, that helps .

    • Posted

      Hi, it's an essential oil from a company called Young Living.  I'm in Canada and it's also in the US. I would imagine you could get it from eBay. It's great for helping with aches and pains and inflammation.

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      I also used jointace which you can get in Boots and if you put a scarf on as well it helps to ease the neck tension- and osteopathy
  • Posted

    Yes, it very common in ladies to experience silent migraines, aura migraines, and regular migraines during perimenopause. It's due to the fluctuations & imbalance of hormones. I usually take an aspirin, this helps with blood flow as it helps de-constrict the blood vessels.

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    Didn't suffer to much with daily headaches, but I use to get on and off stabbing pain deep in my head cause you to say Ouch what the hell was that,but thank god didn't get it for about year now 


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    I have had these..  I take 3 IB profens OR even the sinus pressure OTC meds cause sometimes I thought it was due to the air pressure....    A cold rag over the eyes and forehead helped me.  I have heard that a chiro can help but I saw an acupuncturist a few times too.   OH and try drinking a lot of water!!   Staying hydrated is a good thing.
  • Posted

    Dear Renee

    I am two years post meno and I recently started getting this. I already suffer the silent migraines (just the auras) they can come in clusters! I suffer allergies watery eyes etc too and the odd pains like you described in the head , little twinges here and there especially I found to the side but can happen all over, once again this comes and goes too.

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