Strange large expanding rash on calf - allergies? Bug bite?
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Hi everyone,
my fiance and me have very recently gone to holiday to my parents on a countryside. About three days ago we noticed a reddish spot on his calf, which has ever since then been slightly expanding in size, itching, pulling on the skin, swelling, but no actual pain. What's interesting is that there seems to be no "center" or any sort of source that could indicate that it was for example a bug bite; also, he says he didn't feel anything before he noticed the affected area.
Fiance doesn't have any fatigue, fever, any symptoms at all, just complains about it itching sometimes. As far as he's aware, he doesn't have any allergies.
Now, we have been to a few places which might have provoked a bug bite: cow fields (cows, therefore lots of cow-bugs, tall grass) and a wood-storage shed (a few spiders, possibly wood splinters) however as I mentioned earlier the affected area doesn't have any sign of actual bite or penetration at all. We are in Lithuania so there are no poisonous spiders, or snakes, and we haven't been in contact with dangerous plants too.
Now, visiting the doctors here would cost us extra because we are only taking holiday in this country (for 1.5 week) and we're not insured for health services, that's why I figured asking here might give us an idea if this is serious and requires medical treatment (if it turns out to be urgent we will head to the local doctors straight away!)
Here's a link to a picture of the bite (?) if that helps to identify it (warning: a large scale picture of a not very pretty skin rash)
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Curious-- Futari
Another idea, which may sound weird to you, but is an ancient herbal/plant helper for sores is plantain leaf. If you can identify plantain in the yard, or fields; then pick a young leaf, chew it and place on the sore covered with a bandage. After a day or 2, the redness may be resolved. Note: I say 'may be'. It is difficult to know what exactly has caused this place. (If you don't want to chew the leaf - but realize we chew salad all the time- you can chop it up and add some water to moisten it.) Might also consider aloe gel. Just some suggestions. I hope it resolves and you both can continue on a happy holiday. Good luck!
Futari Curious--
It wasn't very tasty to chew that but what doesn't one do for their loved ones! I've put it up on the troublesome area this morning, will see if it helped tomorrow. Thank you again!
Curious-- Futari
Am wondering if the plantain helped at all? Has the area resolved?
Futari Curious--
Thank you for a great advice again
Curious-- Futari
I am so glad the area seems to have resolved. Hard to say if the plantain speeded the recovery or not; but I think it did. I have had good success with plantain. Or, as you know, often bug bites take a few 'irritating' days to work out of the system - so may have improved by now anyway! Keep an eye on it, and remember other soothing herbs for the skin may help with the return of good, healthy skin (calendula salve, aloe - and even neosporin if it seems infected). Anyway, thanks for getting back to me. Have a GREAT summer!
mrsmop Futari
Good luck.
Futari mrsmop
mrsmop Futari
Have a look at what this site has to say and also Google tick bite images and you might find an image that is similar to your fiance's.
Futari mrsmop
I sure hope it isn't ticks though - I walked those same places for nearly 20 years and didn't get a single tick - would be awful if my fiance did
But thank you I will read up on Lyme too, doesn't hurt knowing about that.
maribanks Futari