strange pain

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6 months ago i started experiencing a dull pain in my abdomen.The pain is located in the lower right part,where the appendix is and appears ONLY if i lay on my stomach(10 minutes after i lay down).When i stand up it goes away, it does not hurt when i am laying on my back,sitting.I have no other symptoms.I am male.I do have 1 case of appendix cancer in my family(it is unsure if it started in the appendix and spread to the ovaries or the other way around)but the doctors dont think that i am in danger of intestinal cancer.I had kidney ultrasound a few months ago and the internist took a quick look at the whole abdomen and said nothing. Any ideas what it could be?


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Did they scan your gallbladder since you have right sided pain? Maybe ask for a HIDA scan to check gallbladder function.Have you had any nausea or problems digesting fatty foods? Do you think the pain could be muscular? Have you done anything strenuous recently? Have you had change of bowel habit or any pain after eating or following stressful situations? Does your pain move about? These symptoms I have mentioned are associated with IBS.

    To find out what you have, you will need to keep going back to your doctor; you may have to go several times. That is your best option. I am not a doctor and very few of us are on this site, so I can't offer you a diagnosis. Only your doctor can give you that.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply.I have no symptoms,normal stools no problems digesting.I think the pain is when i have some food in the intestine because this morning as i woke up and i layed down i didnt feel pain.I dont think it is IBS or colitis because i have no other symptoms.Can colon polyps be causing this?

    • Posted

      If you had polyps in your colon, they would cause bowel disturbance. To find out if you have polyps, you would need a colonoscopy.

  • Posted

    Did you get a diagnosis finally?

    • Posted

      Not really.US normal,liver,gallbladder tests normal.I stopped laying on my stomach so i forgot about the pain.No other symptoms.Are you having the same issue or just asking?

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