Strange period...
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Hi ladies, yesterday I read a post about prayers that was very soothing.
I feel very low due my periods during last couple of months.
I had heavy periods with flooding for the last two years or so, and lasts summer they somehow got better, i mean no flooding. But. I simply cannot predict how long my period will last, and every month is different . Between 20 to 40 days, periods last between 6 to 14 days, every month it is different. Now i am bleeding the tenth day, still heavy. Feel depressed, nauseous, smelling badly, sweating.
I also experienced probably day flashes, I did not have before. Very uncomfortable feeling, with anxiety, feeling hot in my face.
I feel very low. I am in peri for 8 years with various symptoms, i feel i cannot cope with new symptoms any more.
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metamorphed lena53512
Reading your post is like I wrote it. i have started experiencing what I think are flashes (or flushes) that I did not have before, (I have had months of similar bleeding patterns to you and then not knowing when they will come but still feeling the awful effects) This new symptom is just weird. Very uncomfortable, hot feeling in face, sometimes neck, very nauseous, I also get a slight headache and when the hotness subsides so does the headache. It is happening up to 10 times a day and the in-between times are not so good neither.
This is a new one for me and I actually thought that I was starting to feel somehow normal, until this... Are you taking anything at all? I am still trying to decide, as the thoughts of feeling worse if I take something, before feeling better is a big worry.
lena53512 metamorphed
Dear metamorphed (nice name!),
I feel very hot over my body early in the morning, sweating, usually I wake up from weird dreams, tired, drained. In the mornings, several times i feel hot in my face, and I have a sudden feeling of fainting. Really afraid that it might happen. It lasts shortly, but it is strange. It is new for me, and due to my many others symptoms i simply hoped that hot flushes wont come.
I do not take hrt etc. I try go through peri naturally. I take Fe, vitamin C, B, magnesium, but not every day. I try exercise every day+walking, but now with my period I hardly can move, because every simple movement causes a lot of trouble.
I love small strong Coffee (2× a day), it is my pleasure, and I do not want to quit, I am used to drinking coffee, but my last hot flush came after taking a really nice cup of strong Ristretto. My peri probably tries to strip me of all my pleasures😭.
metamorphed lena53512
hi lena
Yes, the name should be 'metamorphing' because apparently, from these ongoing symptoms, I am no where near metamorphed!!
Keep in touch about this because it seems we are starting the same symptom, i assume hot flushes... can never be sure. But I too have the morning waking to these really uncomfortable feelings. And yes, feel like fainting several times a day. I eat well, take exercise and vitamins and thought I was doing really well. I didn't think I would be plagued with this latest symptom because I've been through all the symptoms of peri that there is, so far.
I gave up coffee, ... I wasn't sure if it was causing me trouble or not, but just took advice, but I do drink tea, although I have switched to decaffeinated now. I've practically given up everything I like, in the hope of feeling better and thought it was working, but it seems that it can only help, but hormones will still win through, so I wonder should I just eat and do everything I want regardless, because I am still suffering!
DaisyDaze metamorphed
Another difference. Here in the states, they tell us coffee has been proven to be good. It has been proven to reduce diabetic risk; although, if already a diabetic, is hard to keep sugar in check.
I gave up coffee 25 years ago when "they" (scientific studies) reported caffeine was bad. Now they changed their tune and say a few cups of coffee a day is good. I didn't go back to coffee, but do take Excedrin for headaches, which contains caffeine.
metamorphed DaisyDaze
i agree. I don't think that a few cups of coffee/caffeine can be that bad. I only stopped it when my symptoms of peri became bad believing that it was making me worse. Not sure at all, I think denying myself things that I enjoy has a worse effect on me than the thing itself!!!
lena53512 metamorphed
DaisyDaze lena53512
The only thing I was ever taught was that aspirin causes heavier bleeding, so I find this interesting.
sara97862 lena53512
Hi Lena,
I have had this feeling too... Almost like you have a fever, but when you take your temp, it's normal.
I dont have it all the time... Either right before my period, or right in the middle of my cycle when I would be ovulating.
I know how you feel... Its not fun.
I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but I started taking a multi-omega essential fatty acid supplement about 2 months ago, and this month so far I have not had thst feeling. It has a balanced ratio of omega 3, omega 6, omega 9, and a couple of others if I recall.
Hang in there!
DaisyDaze lena53512
I went through the same thing when I was younger (47 years). It seems like symptoms and diagnoses are different with different doctors. I ended up taking the birth control pill until I went through menopause. This controlled my periods, keeping them regular and manageable. At 52 years, I stopped taking the pill and found out I had gone through menopause. No more periods. No hot flashes. Just weight gain after that. I have also heard of ladies going on progesterone only treatment until through menopause. What is your physician suggesting?
metamorphed DaisyDaze
lena53512 DaisyDaze
I was recommended some progesteron cream, I forgot the name, it is a couple of months ago, and I refused. I want to go through the change naturally, for various reasons. My mom (now 93) got surgery (common solution in the 1980s). I am not against "pills", but I am afraid of them, I do not know why. I my thirties I was on contraceptives for a year or so to help me with heavy bleeding (I did not know what "heavy" really means!!!! as I know now). The pills helped much, I felt strong, active, did sports, but after a year or so I realised that "everything" about it was "artificial" and I was not my real me, if you understand.
Especially this month my period is really horrible, I always think about my mom and her surgery (for the same reason, at the same age).... I feel depressed and low.
DaisyDaze lena53512
I understand. I am in menopause and have not taken anything. I'm 57 and hoping I can just go through this naturally. So far, I had a few problems, but not enough to ask for hrt. I have vaginal atrophy so just using a cream occassionally helps. I may seek more help if it gets bad.