Strange sensations
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This is the first time I have posed here but I am just wondering if anyone has felt as I do. I have been going through the menopause for a while now, I forget how long to be honest. Mostly I seem to manage ok but just recently I have been experiencing some strange sensations that are now starting to freak me out. I dont think you can really cause it dizziness its more a feeling of disorientation it feels as if I am not really inside myself kind of at the side of myself, I know it sounds kind of crazy doesnt it! I have a lot to deal with at the moment going through all this, working full time, taking care of my family and also caring for my elderly parents so maybe its anxiety too although I get these sensations when I dont feel anxious. I have always suffered with headaches but just recently they have got worse. I have disc problems in my neck which my doctor says explains the headaches and also the tingling I get in my head although I am not sure myself. These sensations dont seem to have any pattern they can last for a couple of hours or more and then sometimes just pass in the blink of an eye. As strokes run in my family it just worries me that I could be heading for one myself. I also suffer with a lot of aching muscles and joint pain which I find really annoying. I have an appointment with my doctor again on Tuesday but right now that seems like a long way off. Any thoughts would be most welcome and thanks for reading.
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Scruffy61 lancsrose
good luck I hope you get an answer
lancsrose Scruffy61
Tracky lancsrose
lancsrose Tracky
Tracky lancsrose
carol111 lancsrose
I don't recognise your symptoms as such but I can identify with struggling through jobs, managing the usual chores and caring for elderly parents whilst having to deal with menopause. Also family history of strokes both parents.Sometimes you need to reassess what is achievable in life and maybe make some changes. Is there anyway you can reduce your hours or get some help for your parents? I hope all goes well on Tuesday